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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. It’s funny but they said the same thing for about more than halve of the skaven range, and now look where we are. even the most generic clanrats are showing their unicness (although they might be the most generic battleline in the whole game now, since they technically lost and didn’t loose their special ability)😂😅 Definitely, hoping the dispossessed will be soon in line. (god I could kill-slay just to see this guys back on the battlefield)
  2. Challenge accepted edit: hero:300p 1warlock bombardier:100p(overseer of destruction, esoteric warp resonated) 2x1warlpck bombardier:200p battleline:180p 3x5skyre acolytes:180p others:800p 10x1Rattling gun weapon teams:800p Artillery: 4x1 warplighting cannons:720p total:2000p Edit: or another idea would be to take: hero:400p Thanqoul:400p (General) battleline:180p 3x5acolytes:180p others 20x1Warpflamer weapon teams:1400p endless spell:20p shackles:20p
  3. Well you could take something different for 1000p. 2brood Horrors sounds very interesting but there are other great and fun to play lists out there for skaven. for example I usually use 80clanrats, 40Stormvermins and a clawlord for my 1000p games. If you want to you could easily just go for the maximum number of clanrats you can take into your army.
  4. Sounds good. Ps: just as a reminder don’t do what I did on my last attended tournament, in other words don’t forget that your skaven hero’s (including the clawlords on Brood horrors get a look out sir in melee)
  5. 1)yeah forgot that we Stil had plague monks😅. 2)yes they are quit strong. 3) there are definitely a few. If I’m not mistaken then Dok will struggle when fighting against a skaven list that has the endless spell known as warplightning vortex with them and any other spell that can slow the Witch Aelves down(Warpgale, dreaded ....) 4)yes points adjustment are probably the best bet right now.
  6. Yep, such a glorious, most cunning vermin that ever existed doesn’t need the help of a lower ranked skaven
  7. Nop it only says you at least need a skavenhero within 6 and a unit wholly within 6, meaning you could literally just jump him without needing the help of any other hero
  8. No glue. as long as most of our stuff is on 25mm(clanrats, Stormvermins, Plague monks) I’ll be happy
  9. Nah it’s probably a new horror of a the under empire, just waiting to kill-slay man-things yes-Yes
  10. I have never seen a unit of clanrats overpowering or coming near the the power of destruction the Doks can pull out of their magical wizard hats.
  11. Well should there ever be a time when greenskinz and the Tomb kings will come back I might start those armies. they had a certain unicness to them. If I ever had the choice to either start one of those two armies or the so called deepkins or poster-things I’d rather go with the first option. I loved those old armies, the fluff and even the esthetics they brought with them. the new armies which were represented a few years ago, like the fish-things and poster boys, are unic in their own way as well but I just dislike their fluff, now I’m not saying that it is bad or anything, but I just don’t really like it. the deepkins basically can swim on land, but need to be underwater to breath (very confusing) and then they have some mystical woven airsea where their enemy’s feel like drowning, which would make that faction Oop in the lore. (a drowning foe can technically seen not fight) the storm-cast basically never die, which means that whole skaven armies will die rapidly thanks to their black hunger when fighting this guys, and yes those poster-things might. Loose their soul if they die-die to many times, but really who cares, dead-things should stay dead-dead yes-Yes. now the only wish I have is to be able to finally kill-slay some good old green-things and eat-gnaw on the bones of my favored man-things and dead-things the tomb kings and brets.
  12. Mmmh don’t we have one of those guys already? just in the wrong army😜(chaos lord)
  13. Yep just like @Kramer said use them as bait, it’s one of those low cunning tactics we are able to use. and if you really want to keep them alive, take something big with you, something your friend-foe fear-fears most. a hell pit abomination will do the trick hier. yes it’s a bit expensive for 220p just for dying but , should it survive the shooting you’ll not only have your weapon teams in rancher but also a fearful monster that will slaughter-kill hero’s and hordes as if they where made out of breadsticks
  14. Well Dok was one of the first armies that got a battletome for 2.0. So changing whole warscrolls and ability’s will be a bit hard to do. I guess for a good step some slight point increases and point decreases might do the trick for the Daughters of khaine. Witch Aelves are one of the best units in the whole game. They tear through enemy better then most if not all elite units from other armies. So a slight point change might help there. the priest are a fantastic buffing unit. having her go up a notch (at least to 80/100p) would make it maybe a bit more balanced. the Shooting of the Doks aren’t really that great, ringing them down a few points would make them maybe viable to take again. As for changes in the war scrolls, we will probably not see one until more or less all of the armies who are battletome less aren’t anymore. so maybe in a year or so, the a I Lott’s might be Changed to wholly within, but until then a point increase/decrease should do the trick.
  15. It is and has been a misprint for the last 3years. I’m hoping so so much that the cost of Stormvermins will drop to 120. its something I beg Gw every single time when a new ghb came out. as for Plague monks and the warpseer, we might see a slight point increase for this units.
  16. Keep them from line of sight and if that doesn’t work, well then use them as meatshields, better they die, then your hero’s and elite units like Stormfiends etc.
  17. Yes, it’s just so sad that skaven are a part of that grand allegiance chaos nowadays.
  18. So after having seen how cheap the warlord on Brood horror got, I started thinking of another list that, not only is playing after the fluff but also could be not even bad at competitive events. So the list consists of: heros: Screaming bell:200p(Warpgale) Verminlord warpseer:260p (General; Master of magic) Clawlord on Brood horror:160p(verminus valour, gryph feather charm) Plague priest on plague furnace:180p deathmaster:100p battleline: 3x40clanrats:600P 2x40plague monks:440 endless spell: warplightning vortex:100p total:1980p Now the army consist of 200 Infanterie models, of which 80 of them are even quit good damage dealers. the furnace will more of a support hero who’ll buff up my plague monks, while trying to keep them save from battleshock. the Screaming bell and the Warpseer will be trying to shut down the movement of a whole flank of my enemy, denying as many units as possible to move as well as to deal some damage. the Clawlord on Brood horror will be my combat champion who’ll be followed by the screaming bell and 120 clanrats who’ll be looking after him. he will be literally unstoppable, since he will be -2to Hit in combat as well as in the shooting phase shutting units like the poster boys snipers down. units like Witch Aelves or even elite killers like royal zombie dragons, and other big hero’s won’t have a change against this hero, since hitting it will be very hard. Should I ever be lucky that debuff can be also significantly buffed, by the screaming bell making my clawlord even harder to hit for such units, shutting more or less all of them down. And If some lucky hit will ever wound my clawlord, I can still give those wounds away to my clanrats who’llfollow this glorious beast of horror to the enemy.
  19. I sadly won’t have too much time painting this month, so I’ll be happy if I am able to paint some models.
  20. I think he will be a great choice for 160p give him the special shield artefact, which makes him -1 to hit and the verminous valour command trait, and he will be unable to die. and Throw him against a hero you want dead. he will be -2 to to hit with the look out sir which he seems to be still getting thanks to not having the monster keyword, and his damage output can be fantastic.
  21. Queek comes back but gets his title changed from Headtaker to facetaker
  22. I can’t really remember anybody saying that clanrats are bad or something similar. They are afterall the perfect meat shield unit. Also he seems to have been playing only 60 so the min. Of battleline required, it’s not bad but I guess he had other ways of protecting his hero’s. Well it’s definitely not the way I would play, I’m more interested in bringing there hordes into battle. Same her, after having seen how good the warpseer got I might reconsider buying one if not even two more (Still Need myself afterall)
  23. Yes, but they can’t cast the same spell in the same phase. that something only the warlock engineers(keyword) can do with the Warplightning spell if they have it
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