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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. I've defended a lot of GW's moves but this is ducking ridiculous!
  2. I mean... that's stormcasts place in lore (winning through a series of pretty good straightforward warscrolls). Kruelboyz, skaven, tzeentch, these are tricky armies that win with tricks. Stormcast show up and challenge you to an a straight up fight and then beat you at it. That's their identity. If you're the kind of person who likes winning through complex interactions then I imagine they aren't really meant to be the army for you flavor wise. They don't use assassins or thieves or poison or anything in lore so it seems suitable to me. I don't plop my skaven down and feel let down when they can only win through massive amounts of bodies or unreliable explosions because that's WHY I play the army. This isnt meant to be a recrimination of your point. I'm just genuinely confused by the seemingly vast disconnect between how you want the army to play and how the army is portrayed in both lore and rules. As to people complaining about the translocation "nerf" that was obviously meant to work like every other teleport or the auto take command trait or worst of all attacking the FAQ team for not agreeing with their incredibly contrived opinion of how a rule was meant to work remind me far too much of space marine players on Dakka saying that everytime xenos get a damage 2 weapon it's some grave insult and injustice that proves GW doesn't care about space marines!
  3. Models fine but it feels like a low blow to the faction of spider worshipping goblins they're already neglecting. Yes the universe is big enough to have 2 different spider factions I guess but it's like when Kragnos came out for the wrong faction and GW was just like "lol you thought we forgot about beasts of chaos but no we just don't like you, get rekt nerds!"
  4. With Archaon it seems you may be better served with heal over curse but I'm also not an Archaon expert.
  5. This is why you need to go with a reputable seller. Sure you'll save money some places but real quality leather is worth it's.... oh Core Set.... nevermind.
  6. I love him but that mold line is egregious! Couldn't your commissioner have just slapped a little anything in there lol.
  7. I think we just have different views of the phrase buzzword. Personal responsibility is a real thing, it's just that the term has been co-opted and an additional meaning has been added to it through connotation. The definition of personal responsibility has not changed in the dictionary but the phrase is often used in a manner that is not actually related to that definition is what I mean.
  8. I know it's already sold but I just want to say I can vouch for the above posters validity. I know hes new so that might be a red flag but I directed him here from my local warhammer group is why it's a brand new profile.
  9. To continue your analogy and tie it back to what I mean it would be like if we were having a conversation about the many MANY psychological tricks that casinos employ to get people to gamble away their money and when we say "it's bad that they do that" the response is "well people should be smarter with their money." Yes. They should, but that's not the discussion. We're discussing the myriad of ways corporations go about trying to make sure they are less smart with their money. Your statement is true but it isn't really apropos to the complaint we're making. The fact that someone shouldn't go for the candy under a box with a stick and string attached to it doesn't in any way exonerate the person who set up the box and pulls the string.
  10. My counter argument is: Personal responsibility is a buzzword refrain used by corporations to make you feel like you're not doing your part to save the planet so you cant complain when the truth is that corporate entities account for far more pollution and environmental damage than we could ever hope to counter by using cloth napkins and to parrot that refrain in any context is playing into the kind of inter-class conflict that corporations love to foster so that we don't look up. The truth is that the debate is pointless. It ultimately boils down to pro and anti corporate individuals which is outside the scope of the kind of conversation we can reasonably carry on here on TGA. This is a catch22 whether you intended it or not. If I wasn't "happy to spend my money" the refrain would change to "well your opinion doesnt really matter because you're not even a player in the community anymore." Or "what are you doing on an AoS board if you don't play AoS?" Or at worst "bye you wont be missed." All sentiments that I have seen expressed here on this site before. This is going to sound overly dramatic but I'm not sure how else to phrase it so please know I do not take the matter as seriously as this is going to sound. I'm not you or anyone else's revolutionary leader. I'm not here to direct you in some uprising against corporate interests or GW and to set the bar for having an opinion at "you must immediately provide me with actionable commands or I won't take you serioisly" is a ridiculous goal post. There is no world in which covering up shady business practices makes the world a better place. There just isn't, so I don't understand people who feel the need to come and defend a billion dollar corporation from our mean and terrible slander (not really because slander would have to be... well untrue.) Caveat emptor, buyer beware, personal responsibility. If you (this stopped being directed at the person I'm quoting almost immediately just so we're clear) want to use any of those as an excuse for allowing anti consumer business practices than you must either encourage the dissemination of information to potential customers or admit that you're just using a buzz word to deflect criticism from a corporation that you feel compelled to defend despite them caring less than 2 cents about your life even if they knew you existed.
  11. @ArkanautDadmiral For me personally, knowledge is the end goal of the discussion. I'm not getting out of the hobby over this but being aware of predatory and anti consumer policies is important for me because it will help me make informed choices about whether or not to stay in the hobby and how I spend my money while I am in. People can't say "consumers should just be smarter with their purchasing" while simultaneously saying "theres no need for us to discuss businesses shady practices". The former requires the latter.
  12. I'd like to think you're right, and don't call me shirley.
  13. Let's say there's 10,000 people on this forum who all agreed to make efforts to make the change you suggested (how we would do that is unclear but if it was as simple as checking a box let's say we all did it.) Then what? We can't change "consumer culture" with our spending habits. We are a blip on the market even if you took every single person on this forum and doubled them. So yes it is in fact easier to lay the blame at the feet of the people who have the power to make a change. That's like saying "china produces a lot of green house gasses but you're using regular plastic straws. Maybe we should all switch to metal straws, no it's easier to demonize major polluters." I just intrinsically lack the ability to understand a thought process that excuses all corporate missteps while simultaneously suggesting that individuals are solely and wholly responsible for not being perfectly concious customers.
  14. I wanna know if unlocking the book unlocks the warscrolls or if they're gonna ask me to buy the book for my army rules AND subscribe for digital scrolls.
  15. My bad I got them mixed up (since theres seemingly little difference between now GW and then GW I think its understandable) But also doing market research now doesn't change the point I was replying to, that we cant really assume that GW knew better when they dumpstered TK and Bret since at the time they proudly did not do market research.
  16. Didn't roundtree famously brag that they didnt do market research?
  17. I can't give an extensive play by play like my daughters of khaine win but tonight I took a pretty convincing win over kruelboyz facing gobsprak, swamp monster, 12 boltboiz, 20 gutrippaz, 2 shamans, and 2 man skewers. Same list as before and I was able to convincingly take down everything but the ranged units though I did lose a lot more this time ending the game something like 22 to 12 with my support heroes, karkadrak, reavers, mongers, and some summoned dogs. To all of his ranged guys and one shaman. It was a bloodbath but playing to the mission worked very well.
  18. Yeah the problem is they'll get there sure, but then what? That's to far away for any of our buffs so best case scenario you've shoved 20 warriors into their line that HOPEFULLY don't immediately die.
  19. *I'm not actually gonna @ the mods for this joke* Everyone say bye to Neverchosen before he gets banned lol
  20. Yeah I get that. I just play Skaven, cities, and beasts, so when I see all the cool named characters for a faction that have as many models as some grand alliances "man I wish theyd make another version of all of those." Is pretty far down my list of thoughts lol
  21. Please no. We do not need stormcast getting the space marine treatment of needing individual sculpts and supplements for every storm host.
  22. These guys are the most dark souls looking infantry in the game so I'm bound to get 5 in my living cities army (with a head swap) either way. I'll follow this thread with interest lol
  23. I didn't mean to imply a conspiracy or even a negative. Just that as someone who worked in medical logistics if you told me "weve only got room for like 60% of what you need to send" I'd do an analysis of how best to utilize the room available and make a difficult decision based on that. Now they're not sending medicine but plastic toys so they dont have to weigh damages to the recipient (nor should they) but instead weight damage to their bottom line. If using all available space to ship the bigger selling game is the more financially sound decision I would expect them to make it. Of course the damage it does to the... for lack of a better word, morale, of your customers is an intangible that won't show up on a quarterly earnings report and I'm not qualified to say whether they've properly weighed it or not.
  24. I was pretty much past blaming them for the shipping issues and thought surely it was just a poor coincidence that grey knights didnt get caught up in the delay. Or orks. Or kill team.. or black templar... Now it's starting to feel more and more like they ran the numbers and said "X customers buy 40k so we'll lose less money if we use our limited shipping room to sell only 40k" (which might even be a sound business decision I dont know) and just wont admit it.
  25. Why is he stabbing her in what might be the root thighs? Like she has a very solid looking upper body and even stomach and he decides to stab what might just be a completely non lethal clump of roots? Or is this some soulsucking weapon and I'm an idiot?
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