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Everything posted by HollowHills

  1. Leviadon Big model points make no sense anyway. Arkhan, probably the best caster in the game for his points is 320 whereas an eidolon who has similar stats and a worse spell is 440.
  2. One roll for the whole unit. Its actually the same with random attack characteristics as well if you didn't know. So for deepkin eels you roll 1d3 and apply the result to the whole unit. So if I got a 1 then all nine eels only get one tail attack.
  3. Yes. I mentioned this in the thread last year. Heard 2019 would have an Ogor tome.
  4. The "centipede" is a question mark over a greyed out boss. To prevent leaks. It didn't work.
  5. If Teclis gets a model I will kill him harder than I kill even slaanesh. He deserves to be squatted. Worst aelf in the history of aelves.
  6. If you look at IDK and DoK they encouraged two builds, one more based around elite special units (snakes, harpies and for deepkin eels) and the other around more massed infantry (witch and sisters for DoK and Namarti for IDK). Obviously, one of those approaches has proven more competitive than the other but I imagine they will stick to a similar tack for the grots. An elite army might be troggoths, hoppers and a mangler hero. Whereas the horde approach will give you lots of little grots and small heroes for buffs. You can bet on a squig battalion.
  7. For me the interesting thing about this release is that it contains new sculpts for old WHFB models without drastic change. Squig hoppers, fanatics and herds. Previously we'd had models inspired by the older stuff (new sylvaneth or ironjawz) or older kits incorporated into new armies (daughters or beastclaw). Goes to show GW are happy remaking WHFB models if they still have a place in the setting.
  8. Not quite. But the new model will go well with spiderfang.
  9. I heard there is a scenery piece which is a ruin covered in mushrooms, althe Loon King who is a named character, some new squig riders, a big mangler squig, some fungoid trolls and some new fanatics. I reckon the three eyed guy has to be a model as well, but that's a total guess. We will see tomorrow I hope.
  10. There are too many legit rumours in this thread. Like 90% of this thread isn't even speculation it it's just rumours. Can we get a new thread for actual rumours so we can keep it clear here for people who just want speculation? Ahem... I have no idea what forge world are doing about AoS but I'd like to speculate we see some releases from them next year.
  11. Second list would be illegal as you don't have any battlelines. Unless that is partial and you've got a few units of thralls. As to the earlier discussion on reavers, they are terrible for damage and survivability. At 140 points they are probably overcosted from an objective standpoint and definitely overcosted comparative to the other units at that point mark. However, if you want a tidecaster general then you need three nemarti units and taking one unit of reavers to hang around the back / avoid taking up combat space isn't a bad idea. It's worth pointing out that for all the strength of the lists we see in tournaments none of them have actually won. Deepkin still seem a fair way behind LoN and DoK in their ability to win at a competitive level. For me my biggest bugbear with thralls is their base size and the wholly within rule restrictions. I really think they would have been a better unit on 25mm or if the idoneth had less "wholly within" for range restrictions.
  12. Spring 2k19 battletome moonclan and models, codex genestealer cults, codex black legion and models. Summer 2k19k updated battletomes for early aos factions, primaris release, sisters of battle codex and models. Late 2k19 slaanesh models, battletome slaves to darkness, codex Ynnari. Whole year KT support, blackstone fortress support and shadespire support.
  13. Seasons greetings, Tournament tomorrow 1k, what do you chaps think would be the better list? Eidolon AoStm King - doppel and agony Morsarr Ishlaen 940 (1 extra command and almost cert a triumph) Or same as above AoSea 980 points I am leaning towards storm for the extra command, wound reroll and combat potential on a small board. I don't care about losing access to spells, but I am concerned about losing unbind. Thanks for any help.
  14. I've heard a Vigilus box containing Primaris vs CSM will be shown, including some new models for the set. Expect to see some Wrath and Rapture with a possible release date as well (the last bit is just personal speculation).
  15. Played a silly 1k game on Wednesday after a break from the hobby. Opponent was playing nighthaunt. My list 1 king, 1 AotStorm, 3 morsarr, 3 ishlaen. His list, 40 chainrasps, 20 bladeghast reapers, 1 Knight of shrouds, 1 wizard ghost, 1 buff ghost. (forgot the names). Plus pendulum spell. Scenario was total commitment. Turn 1 he cast pendulum and repositioned around his objectives. I moved slightly forward and also went for a turn one charge with AotStorm, which I got. Storm killed 6 chainrasps and suffered no wounds in return. I won the roll off for turn 2. Ran away with eidolon and got the rest of my army into three inch charge range. Made all charges and got the aspect into combat with both the unit and the Knight of shrouds. Fired off once per game morsarr. My guys killed all the chainrasps, using fish of destiny cloak I did 2d6 mortals to the knight (but only rolled 4). I suffered 1 wound to king, 2 to aspect, 1 to both units of eels. His turn 2 he charges the bladeghast, aspect takes 6 wounds. Hits back for 5. I win roll for 3, opponent concedes.
  16. I've amended the original post to be fairer and more respectful in tone. I was frustrated that in trying to share a rumour, something a lot of people have been clamouring for (re: discussions about too much speculation, not enough rumours),, there seemed to be some negative backlash.
  17. When discussing anonymous leaks it's hard to be clear about the source, to be clear I have heard reliable information about a new Primaris release which I believe to be factual.
  18. An individual who claims to be in the know told me that we will see Abaddon return in a new sculpt and a release of new Primaris models. So, hearsay. But I believe it. That's about as close to any genuine rumour that will see the light on this forum tbh.
  19. I know for a fact there is a new Primaris release, other stuff is speculation.
  20. People speculate on releases like 40k doesn't exist. What about primaris wave 2? What about CSM? What about GSC and Ynnari? Book releases without big model support are quite a realistic prospect. I don't see four new armies a year for AoS as likely.
  21. Yes, yes you can. Given actual leaks aren't allowed to be posted (as per general rules) this thread is mostly 1) reposts of rumours being reported elsewhere 2) unsubstantiated claims based on hearsay. The actual substance of the thread is mostly people responding to the above with their own feelings, hopes and judgments. Which is totally fine. It reflects exactly how most hobbyists might speculate about news and rumours down at a local club. The vast majority of posters seem quite happy to chat with one another about topics, by and large, related to rumours. Though I may disagree with the mods in some areas, they do an excellent job in gently nudging if things go too far off topic. Some users seem to want a drip feed of 100% verified GW leaks, which is never going to happen.
  22. I apologise, I certainly went a bit too far in conflict. Also for implying that someone was a facist earlier in the thread was ad hominem and unfair, for that I also apologise. 40k rumour this morning that abaddon and black legion are coming next year.
  23. You're full of positive comments. Everything I've seen is very passive aggressive towards other users. Ahem, Rumour doing the rounds tonight is that in addition to the slaanesh herald with the harp from w&r, there is also another herald model to come alongside the KoS release in the future.
  24. So if I disagree with one part of something then my choice is to either conform or leave? That seems like an unrealistic binary, I think it's perfectly fair to want a discussion on the pros and cons of the issue in question. That is to say, a public debate where everyone can see and respond. Setting up an alternative thread for that seemed like an excellent idea, but as that isn't possible then writing here seems to be the correct response. I do not think it is correct to censor debate on an issue that clearly relates to the subject matter of this topic and which I believe is of interest to many members.
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