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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. 1. Prices increasing with each new release. If there is something expensive that I cannot afford, i just don't buy it. 2. Rules bloated. It sometimes takes more than 4 ooks / releases to have all of the rules together.About books and released material: Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I don't have any problems with books, campaigns, White Dwarfs, etc... I like them all. The more, the better (that's why I buy Soulbound too: I even tried to make a Brightspear army in Cities of Cities... it was a completely failure but whatever). About rules: I play an army that nobody knows exactly how it should be played... yep, a bit more quality of rules woudl be appreciated. 3. Power level increasing with new releases, leaving older armies behind. Fake news. 4. GW basically neglecting certain factions, wich just don't get anything new and up to date. It sucks to be a dwarf. 5. Models being locked behind paywalls, or big box sets, for a long period of time. It could be horrible if KOs had a lot of battleboxes and new releases... but NOP. 6. FAQ debacle. They are good (waiting for Nurgle FAQs btw...) and I think that the only problem is not having all the rules in a free digital file like 90% of other wargames. Sometimes they are awesome, sometimes they are bad, like everything in this life, so... 7. Massive FOMO Even if we had some temporary releases like Bugmansson or Dagnai (Cursed City), it was always easy to buy.
  2. Marshcrawla recieved the Kruleboyz keyword in a FAQ. It's not the same but whatever.
  3. That would turn fyreslayers in to a really strong army. Rend -1/-2, option for +1dmg and 6" move (or rerolls/mw vs fast melee armies) can turn the tide in 2d turn.
  4. @Doko hey! I'm interested in buying more fyreslayers. PM me with your army and prices. Some pics would be nice too.
  5. I don't understand how a "fiery funerary priests" means he is not a priest. /sadface
  6. Yes, I live in spain. I'm still interested in buying a few things.
  7. There are a some nice things with that nerf too. Some people are already selling their armies and I bought half of the new box for 55 euros.
  8. @zilberfrid Completely agree. Fyreslayers problem is their low quantity of non-hero models
  9. Disagree, but I think that's more about a subjective matter that shouldn't be discussed here:
  10. I play KOs. Did you know that we have only only 1 battleline that's not conditional. We play without magic, prayers, monsters and we have only an small roster of active buffs that are attached to "one use" artefacts... So yes, I know what are you talking about but I completely disagree with your argument. Wait until you have played a few games and understand what are their new pros and cons.
  11. I don't take all this namarty-vulkite comparisons. They are not from the same army, they have diferent active and passive buffs, they are not used for the same role, they don't even have the same tools to play... I get the point, people want to play vulkites and don't feel bad about them, but trying to compare them with other battlelines is not how AoS works. And another advise, 3.0 seems to increase points to everyone with a bonus for multi-wound units. I will wait to see how IDK and Fyreslayers plays before starting this discussion.
  12. Knight-judicator is the only one that comes to my mind. Maybe BOC with that chicken that spams mw but not sure enough.
  13. Warhammer Community talks about them as "fiery funerary priests".
  14. Seraphon has 2.0 battletome too. Try to look at SCE book: Knight Relictor (140). Lord Relictor (145). Completely boosted with +1 bonus for prayers (don't expect that). Lord Veritant (155). I expect something like 110-140 p for a 5w and 4+ save or something like that.
  15. I will go for B or C. Just don't let people spam the same unit and they will be fine.
  16. Malifaux is in a weird spot right now. It has the alternative Masters that are miles away than other Masters (generals), but instead of tabling the opponent in a double turn, both players can play until the last turn and even try to win. That's impossible in AoS. Imo, that's because AoS doesn't still not know what it wants to be. Yes, it's a wargame with objectives and a lot of layers to not fall appart behind (tactics and strats), but the units and gameplay doesn't follow that principle. Denying or capturing objectives usually comes with "kill that unit in one hit". Only a few can use the "I'm 30 models muahaha" mechanic but that's one of the worst mechanics to use (and take in mind that only a few have that mechanic...). Malifaux has a "schemer" role exactly for that. Units that can deny or take objectives, move faster or have tricks to debuff other schemers. That type of things is well known for the community and the game. Conquest and Asoiaf have objectives too, and both of them have main core mechanics based on objectives. From units that can change their role (ambushing after turn 3 to backdoor objective objectives) to units that don't let enemies capture X objectives (something like bravery-checks or even looters that steal your objectives). What I'm saying is that units that have good dmg, can take a punch and can capture objectives (movement/teleport) are going to be good no matter what. Bill Souza used a few dragons for his Fyreslayers list exactly because of that. I'm not saying that they are broken, just pointing out why their warscroll seems to be really good.
  17. Kharadrons vs Grottbag Scuttlers! Let's burn my wallet!
  18. That's one of the most dificult things to do in AoS. All competitive armies have a "core" of one or two units that are spammed and only a few points are diferent from one competitive list to another. There are only a few armies that don't follow the same pattern. Btw, taking other suboptimal units to complete your roster can still push you to a 3-2 wins. That's really good for an army that don't spam their units.
  19. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that Sentinels are the most hated unit in the game. I did a little search about them and just found a lot more posts, forums, reddit threads, etc... complaining about Sentinels than any other unit. Some of them where written when Lumineth had less than 48% winrate. Imho, dragons are the new fotm, with just a little controversy because they had a nerf before their release.
  20. I would try to make heroes with 9 or fewer wounds a bit more relevant. Give people enough reasons to build their own smash-captain, duelist, buff-bot or whatever. Something like: Note: All units that have a bodyguard ability can be changed to a 2+/reroll bodyguard. Maybe a new generic Command Ability for heroes with 9 or less wounds to challenge other Heroes with Look Out Sir! could work too (just to kill that pesky buff-bots). And let Heroes buy their own weapons and armors! More customization please!
  21. I just want a 2d wave of Kharadron Overlords... no endless spells, no terrain, no WD update, one hero since 2017 (or 2 if we count underworlds warband) and rules that nobody knows how to play with. /sadface
  22. I'm with @Clan's Cynic: Another point to take in mind is that battletomes should have a bit more interesting rules for their unique themes. Lumineths did a good job with their temples. And as a Kharadron player, rules need to be clear... (still waiting for a third FAQ).
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