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Blog Entries posted by Filius

  1. Filius

    I think it's a good Idea to have an inventory and a plan for my Skaven in 2024.  
    # Inventory
    ## Leaders
    1 Archwarlock (painted) 1 Warlock Bombardier (painted) 2 Warlock Enginseers (1 painted, 1 unpainted) 4 Deathrunners (unpainted) 1 Clawlord (maybe even a second Clawlord somewhere???) 2 Deathmaster, old (unbuilt and unpainted) 1 Deathmaster, new (unbuilt and unpainted) 1 Mastermoulder (unbuilt and unpainted) ## Units
    40 Clanrats (20 unbuilt) 30 Stormvermin (10 unbuilt) 4 Packmasters (unpainted) 4 Rat Ogors (2 unpainted) 25 Giant Rats (unpainted) 1 Warpfirethrower Team (painted) 3 Poisoned Wind Mortar Teams (unpainted) 10 Wolf Rats (unbuilt and unpainted) 9 Jezzails (all unpainted, 5 unbuilt) 3 Skritchs Spiteclaws (2 x unbuilt and unpainted) 1 Skittershanks Clawpack (unbuilt and unpainted) 5 Rust-Stalkers (the plan was to kitbash them into Skryre Acolytes) ## Terrain
    Warcry Starter Set Terrain (painted) Warcry Souldrain Forrest Terrain (2 Sets, 6 Trees total) Realmgate (unpainted) Realmscape Expansion Set (unbuilt and unpainted) Megadroth Remains (unbuilt and unpainted) # Plan for 2024
    ## Prioritized goals for this year
    Finish my half-finished 20 Clanrats Finish my half-finished 20 Stormvermin   Build 12 (or just 6) objective markers    Paint my gnawholes Paint the Clawlord   Paint 3 Packmasters Paint the 27 Giant Rats (or at least some of them) Paint 4 Rat Ogors Paint the Mastermoulder   Finish 3 Warplock Jezzails   Building and paint my Skaven-themed Realmgate   Build and paint all 10 Wolfrats   Build and paint a Mastermoulder on a Wolfrat (as an Anvil of Apotheosis-Project, using Goblin-Wolf Riders)   Build and paint an Eshin Warband for Mortheim (and as an addition to the army) ## Further Projects   
    After that I still have several, yet unordered options  
    20 more Clanrats   6 more Warplock Jezzails   Dragon Banner Terrain   Wyldwoods   Megadroth Terrain   Skittershanks Clawpack   Spiteclaws Swarm as Gutterrunners    Skryer Acolytes (from Rust-Stalkers)
  2. Filius
    As I just recently did get a copy of Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire, but really didn't like nor wanted to paint Garreks Reavers … aaand as I like the Idea of Khorne worshipping Skaven, I just hat to convert the whole Band.
    The heads are all from Stormvermin, and replacing them was mostly pretty easy except for "Blooded Saek", the guy with the Axe over his head. 
    Most of the swords are from the Sicarian Ruststalkers, as they are within most part of my army.


    Really looking forward to paint the big guys. And I'm curious, how they'll look within the army. Not sure, wether I play them as Garreks Reavers or just as Company Champions …
  3. Filius
    And Spiteclaws Swarm. Again with Ruststalker Blades, and Bits from Stromcasts. My first Project with Contrastpaints. All is contrast paints, except the white, the gold and the silver.

    Actually a few things about painting with contrast paints are even better than Games Workshop told us …
    It's much much easier to remove the colour from the brushes, making it much easier and faster to switch between colours during painting. The consistancy of the colours makes thinning them down unneccessary, which speeds up the process even further.
  4. Filius
    Continuing with Age of Sigmar Skirmish, I wanted to try some more hard hitting Units.
    So I painted the first of my four Ratogres, of course in the same "troll slayer orange", white, gold and red Colour Scheme. His Name is Louiiss, Prince of the Sun. And I am pretty happy how well the Stormcast Shoulderpads fit.

    The second addition to the Marls revoluthing Army was a Warp Flamethrower Team …

  5. Filius
    Marl Xarks carreer as an Arch-Warlock and Leader of the Great Revoluthing Army nearly ended during his first battle on Hysh. As a young warlock engineer the skyre army of his clan was beaten at the first contact with the Stormcast Eternals. Marl was captured and taken to Azyrheim, from which he managed to escape with the help of a team of eshin skavens. But he didn't leave unchanged. Seeing Azyrheim was an enlightenthing form him and from those days on, he wanted a better future for all skaven. During his Odyssee – that in the end lead him back to Hysh – he managed to gather a collection of rather exoctic "partners" for his cause, and his extrodinary skills as an inventor secured a steady income as well as an arsenal of deadly weapons and servants and something in between. These are the stories of his adventures … or rather of his defeats, the victories of his enemies, disasters and quite a few explosions …
    The whole Warband

    The young Marl Xark himself

    The first Stormrats of the Revoluthing Army

    The first Clanrats of the Revoluthing Army

    The whole Warband again

    I built those over the last months in order to start playing Age of Sigmar via the Skirmish Rules (knowing that it would take me like forever to build a whole Skaven army). The colourscheme is based on my Blood Bowl Team "The Undercity Philosophers" and shall carry the topic of "we are the new generation of Skaven". It is inspired by ancient roman senators: A lot of white and quite a bit of red. I especially enjoyed giving them a trollslayerish fur colour.

    I use a lot of Blades from the Sicarian Ruststalker / Infiltrators Set, which I initially bought to convert the Bodies into Skyre Acolytes. I also used quite a few Stormcast Eternals Shields and two Space Wolves Braids, hehe.

    And as it turns out: Today is just the perfect day to start a skaven revoluthing army!
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