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Everything posted by Filius

  1. "Yess, yess lift-carry them and the let them drop-fall on the armoured knee and backbrake-bonecrush them, yes, yes!" Thanks! I will sure add Photos of those painted buff-monster-skaven!
  2. And Spiteclaws Swarm. Again with Ruststalker Blades, and Bits from Stromcasts. My first Project with Contrastpaints. All is contrast paints, except the white, the gold and the silver. Actually a few things about painting with contrast paints are even better than Games Workshop told us … It's much much easier to remove the colour from the brushes, making it much easier and faster to switch between colours during painting. The consistancy of the colours makes thinning them down unneccessary, which speeds up the process even further.
  3. Spiteclaws Swarm from Wahrammer Underworlds, with a few minor conversions. Mostly painted with Contrast Paint, except White, Gold and Silver.
  4. As I just recently did get a copy of Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire, but really didn't like nor wanted to paint Garreks Reavers … aaand as I like the Idea of Khorne worshipping Skaven, I just hat to convert the whole Band. The heads are all from Stormvermin, and replacing them was mostly pretty easy except for "Blooded Saek", the guy with the Axe over his head. Most of the swords are from the Sicarian Ruststalkers, as they are within most part of my army. Really looking forward to paint the big guys. And I'm curious, how they'll look within the army. Not sure, wether I play them as Garreks Reavers or just as Company Champions …
  5. Continuing with Age of Sigmar Skirmish, I wanted to try some more hard hitting Units. So I painted the first of my four Ratogres, of course in the same "troll slayer orange", white, gold and red Colour Scheme. His Name is Louiiss, Prince of the Sun. And I am pretty happy how well the Stormcast Shoulderpads fit. The second addition to the Marls revoluthing Army was a Warp Flamethrower Team …
  6. Girrik Readbeard - "secretly" Khorne worshipping Skaven Warband Leader
  7. Whats wrong-bad about the Clanrat Rules?
  8. Ouh, ah, uhm … I am honoured, especially as I still feel that I have to do quite a lot of things better (starting with the gold and the robes). But anyways: Thanks a lot! That's great to read.
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