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Advice needed for 1500pt Beastclaw narrative campaign


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We are beginning a narrative campaign which will be very objective oriented and only 1500pts. I'm thinking of going Beastclaw Raiders, mostly because these are the models I am most likely to finish painting first. But it seems that at this point level, there may not be enough models to make it competitive. I don't need to be dominant, it's a narrative campaign mostly for fun, but I don't want to be losing every game either.


I have everything in the Icewind Assault box and wouldn't mind buying two or three more units if needed. But right now here's what I'm thinking:


Icebrow Hunter

Huskard on Stonehorn

Thundertusk Beastriders

4x Mournfang Pack

4x Frost Sabres

3x Icefall Yhetees


What I'm afraid of is that with such a small model count, a shooty army that focuses on one of the behemoths can take it down and then everything else will crumble as so much of my value is invested in those big units.


Also, it could be hard to hold objectives with such a small model count.


I have a much bigger Freeguild army I might go with if I don't go BCR.


Thoughts? Ideas?

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if you are going for a narrative, how about forming the army around the hunter and a Skall. Personally, I think the sabretusks models don`t really fit in with the fur style of the mournfangs or the big guys. Buy 2 or 3 boxes of fenrisian wolves and you have all the frost sabres you will ever need.

The Skall will let you drop at least six models wherever you need them for the mission. Or you can use them in non objective missions to attack artillery or other things hiding behind screens

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34 minutes ago, Nogle said:

if you are going for a narrative, how about forming the army around the hunter and a Skall. Personally, I think the sabretusks models don`t really fit in with the fur style of the mournfangs or the big guys. Buy 2 or 3 boxes of fenrisian wolves and you have all the frost sabres you will ever need.

The Skall will let you drop at least six models wherever you need them for the mission. Or you can use them in non objective missions to attack artillery or other things hiding behind screens

Yeah, but Frost Sabres are so weak. I wasn't even thinking of buying any more of them and only have them because they came in the box.

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