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Chronicles of a Sky Pirate

Paul Buckler

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Similar to @Chris Tomlin efforts with the Ironjawz, I thought I would keep a track of my games with my Overlords.

The 2 K list I am going to run is as follows

Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords

Skyport: Barak-Zilfin
- Additional Footnote: There's No Trading With Some People
- Artefact: Gattlesson's Endless Repeater
Aetheric Navigator
- Trait: Fleetmaster
20 x Arkanaut Company
- 6x Light Skyhooks
10 x Arkanaut Company
- 3x Light Skyhooks
10 x Arkanaut Company
- 3x Light Skyhooks
10 x Grundstok Thunderers
- 10x Aethercannons
3 x Skywardens (100)
- 1x Drill Cannons
- 1x Grapnel Launchers
3 x Skywardens (100)
6 x Endrinriggers (240)
- 1x Drill Cannons
- 1x Grapnel Launchers
Arkanaut Ironclad

Total: 2000/2000

It's not hyper competative, but has a good mix of units, and gives me options to do a lot.  One ship is all I can fit in the list and still keep the options.  imo they are to expensive and the skyriggers too cheap.  Would have preffered 20 more pts on the riggers and 40 less on the ships.  Think that would also help with the mixed order spam lists.
Game 1 vs @ChippyRick
Ricky was playing stormcast,  with the mirror shield Stardrake, a Prime, 10 retributors a mix of judicators, standard stuff.  It was gift from the heavens. 
Ricky deployed all bar dragon, lantern guy and judicators in the sky.  I deployed before him so elected to let him go first.  My only real target was the dragon, and I simply cannot hurt that, so figured see what he drops and then deal with that, hopefully he will get a few units and come down in dribs and drab.  Unfortunately he rolled and got every single unit down that turn! 
He shot off 1 unit of arkanaughts, and killed 14 out of the unit of 20. Thankfully no hammerstrike, so retributors needed a 9 to charge my ironclad, which they did.  Last word on torpedoes and mine killed 2 on charge though.  He did 7 wounds I think in total so didn't roll well.
My go I dropped the thuderers, khemists, and navigator out of ship, buffed thunderers and 6 skyhooks in arkanaughts.  Healed 5 wounds on ship,  Retributors were wiped out easily. Shot all my skyhooks at teh dragon, as they had no more targets, not even close to damaging it.
I got a double and jumped everthing back into the ironclad.  Comet luckily dropped on my left where I had 10 arkanaughts,  moving the ironclad centrally ready to move on ricky's comet when it dropped.  Ricky dropped the prime this turn and charged it and dragon into ironclad.  I learnt that given average dice I would have killed it on the charge with mines and last word torpedoes.  Unsurprisingly the ironclad was taken down.
We traded objectives until turn 4, with ricky pickiong off thuderers and some riggers with prime and dragon.  Prime died turn 3 to skyhooks, those things are great character hunters.  Turn 4 I managed to get riggers and wardens around rickys objective.  He failed to kill them all in his turn and I went 4 points up.  Unfortunately he got priority turn 5 and cleaned up scoring both, leaving me having to kill either the drake or 5 liberators and 5 Judicators.  I had not much left so that didn't happen! 
Result : Major Loss
For my first game at 2k was really happy with how it went.  The drake/shield is something Overlords really struggle with, and if Ricky hadn't got the double turn 2 /3 I think I would have been in the game right until the end.  Would have had full complimenof riggers and wardens plus Thuderers.  The ironclad can take a charge from big creatures, with a good chance of killing/taking them down some levels, esp if they fly, I like the 'last word' shots with the torpedoes.   Aether cannon thuderers are brutal with 1 khemist, a double stack and they truly are horrific. Overall I think Overlords are gonna need 50+ game sto get even close to playing well, timing of ship movement/embarking etc are key.  Lots of synergies to work with, def my kind of Army.
Hopefully will have 2k painted by next Thursday evening, but have a game coming up on Sunday vs a beastman horde army. 
For those who haven't seen my WIP wed stuff featuring the army
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Great report Paul, I have more than a passing interest in Kharadron overlords having read the book they seem like a great fun army to play but as you say one in which maybe even a single mistake will prove fatal (also my kinda army :-)

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Good post @Paul Buckler,

Look forward to see the thread evolve. Hopefully you do a better job of keeping up to date with battle reports than me!

You should try and get some photos of your army in here as well. I think people will be mighty impressed how quickly you've painted the army! Looks great as well.

Semi trolling, but what are your thoughts on the list if you can't take Barak-Zilfin due to painting restrictions?

Would love to get a game in with you soon! It'd be fun to then see our differing reports in our respective threads.

Keep up the good work!

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Last night the only ziflin bonus I got was the ward save vs mortal wounds.  Didn't have chance to do the hero phase move.  Not dropping from the sky with the artifact (don;t like it, actually think it hurts my playstyle) so that doesn't really affect me. So had very little impact on the game.

I want to try all of the skyports so will prob be switching up after 10 or so games to try the others, not just the 'good' ones either.  Also will try my own combos of the 3 as well.

Def would be pretty bummed if I couldn't use my army as one of the 'named' ones.  I just started painting with a colour I liked before even reading the book.  GW should have made this abundantly clear when they did all their chat etc on Warhammer TV, it's a major point in the army and was not mentioned at all.  Knowing it beforehand, would have at least given me the choice, but I was many, many hours of painting in before I even realised it was a thing.

Would def like to take on Krunk and his buddies, will be an interesting match up.

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Def gonna try urbaz, double buff on Thuderers and Riggers could be really good.

A few pics, so far I have done





20 arkanaughts

10 Arkanaughts

10 Arkanaughts

5 Thuderers


Final wave of releases this weekend, should hopefully get the riggers and characters done over Sat/Sunday.



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1 hour ago, DeadlySarcasm said:

Well you've got until June! We still haven't had a game yet, so that needs to happen.

Mate, if you feel the itch, drop me a text whenever and you can pop round mine one evening and we'll have a chilled game before you fully immerse yourself once again. Hope the break is treating you well.

You need to get yourself on the RAW reserve list as well!

59 minutes ago, ZealousJ said:

I love the yellow gloves.

Are you a fan of washing up the dishes by any chance? ;) 

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Your army is looking great! I'm trying to get 1000 points painted up for a Tournament in about a week myself. I normally like to chronicle my building and painting in a blog post...I think I need to record my games too. 

What did you use specifically to convert the Aethercannons? If I were you, I'd try out 20 of them with a Khemist and use the Zilfin artifact to at least try getting some Alpha Strikes in there.

Great read, looking forward to more!

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5 hours ago, Paul Buckler said:

Similar to @Chris Tomlin efforts with the Ironjawz, I thought I would keep a track of my games with my Overlords.

The 2 K list I am going to run is as follows

Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords

Skyport: Barak-Zilfin
- Additional Footnote: There's No Trading With Some People
- Artefact: Gattlesson's Endless Repeater
Aetheric Navigator
- Trait: Fleetmaster
20 x Arkanaut Company
- 6x Light Skyhooks
10 x Arkanaut Company
- 3x Light Skyhooks
10 x Arkanaut Company
- 3x Light Skyhooks
10 x Grundstok Thunderers
- 10x Aethercannons
3 x Skywardens (100)
- 1x Drill Cannons
- 1x Grapnel Launchers
3 x Skywardens (100)
6 x Endrinriggers (240)
- 1x Drill Cannons
- 1x Grapnel Launchers
Arkanaut Ironclad

Total: 2000/2000

It's not hyper competative, but has a good mix of units, and gives me options to do a lot.  One ship is all I can fit in the list and still keep the options.  imo they are to expensive and the skyriggers too cheap.  Would have preffered 20 more pts on the riggers and 40 less on the ships.  Think that would also help with the mixed order spam lists.
Game 1 vs @ChippyRick
Ricky was playing stormcast,  with the mirror shield Stardrake, a Prime, 10 retributors a mix of judicators, standard stuff.  It was gift from the heavens. 
Ricky deployed all bar dragon, lantern guy and judicators in the sky.  I deployed before him so elected to let him go first.  My only real target was the dragon, and I simply cannot hurt that, so figured see what he drops and then deal with that, hopefully he will get a few units and come down in dribs and drab.  Unfortunately he rolled and got every single unit down that turn! 
He shot off 1 unit of arkanaughts, and killed 14 out of the unit of 20. Thankfully no hammerstrike, so retributors needed a 9 to charge my ironclad, which they did.  Last word on torpedoes and mine killed 2 on charge though.  He did 7 wounds I think in total so didn't roll well.
My go I dropped the thuderers, khemists, and navigator out of ship, buffed thunderers and 6 skyhooks in arkanaughts.  Healed 5 wounds on ship,  Retributors were wiped out easily. Shot all my skyhooks at teh dragon, as they had no more targets, not even close to damaging it.
I got a double and jumped everthing back into the ironclad.  Comet luckily dropped on my left where I had 10 arkanaughts,  moving the ironclad centrally ready to move on ricky's comet when it dropped.  Ricky dropped the prime this turn and charged it and dragon into ironclad.  I learnt that given average dice I would have killed it on the charge with mines and last word torpedoes.  Unsurprisingly the ironclad was taken down.
We traded objectives until turn 4, with ricky pickiong off thuderers and some riggers with prime and dragon.  Prime died turn 3 to skyhooks, those things are great character hunters.  Turn 4 I managed to get riggers and wardens around rickys objective.  He failed to kill them all in his turn and I went 4 points up.  Unfortunately he got priority turn 5 and cleaned up scoring both, leaving me having to kill either the drake or 5 liberators and 5 Judicators.  I had not much left so that didn't happen! 
Result : Major Loss
For my first game at 2k was really happy with how it went.  The drake/shield is something Overlords really struggle with, and if Ricky hadn't got the double turn 2 /3 I think I would have been in the game right until the end.  Would have had full complimenof riggers and wardens plus Thuderers.  The ironclad can take a charge from big creatures, with a good chance of killing/taking them down some levels, esp if they fly, I like the 'last word' shots with the torpedoes.   Aether cannon thuderers are brutal with 1 khemist, a double stack and they truly are horrific. Overall I think Overlords are gonna need 50+ game sto get even close to playing well, timing of ship movement/embarking etc are key.  Lots of synergies to work with, def my kind of Army.
Hopefully will have 2k painted by next Thursday evening, but have a game coming up on Sunday vs a beastman horde army. 
For those who haven't seen my WIP wed stuff featuring the army

Great read and cool to see you getting a blog up for the Army bud. I have been planning mine so will get it up.

Game rundown pretty solid. We both made a learning mistakes, but all in all t was an interesting match up and i would be up for playing more games against them. I like your list, and as you say a few units didnt get used much and in another game it would have gone differently. If i hadnt won priority turn 3 i think a lot of my army would have fallen.

Your army is looking great as well. The colour scheme works perfectly on the army, and the little touches so far with breaking up the balloons metal with solver/gold, the flowers on the bases and the yellow spot colour are all bring it together well.

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8 minutes ago, Dez said:

Your army is looking great! I'm trying to get 1000 points painted up for a Tournament in about a week myself. I normally like to chronicle my building and painting in a blog post...I think I need to record my games too. 

What did you use specifically to convert the Aethercannons? If I were you, I'd try out 20 of them with a Khemist and use the Zilfin artifact to at least try getting some Alpha Strikes in there.

Great read, looking forward to more!


Mix of things really, used cannon from the gunboat, and some barrels from an old organ gun.  Gonna use the new firedrake kit as well for the second 5.

Not a fan of the deep strike, your just putting everything in range of your opponents melee/shooting.  My opponent then can chaff me out so no good stuff is within 12 of his rubbish, then the cannons have no target.  1 dead ship plus crew (if he charges and surrounds it like he shoud) 



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The deep strike strategy is really risky if u cant clear the side where u drop them but 20 aether cannons with a few khemist can really clear anything i play a few days ago vs skyfire spam and i kill everything in the side of the board where i drop the ironclad

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Yeah it will kill them for sure, but a good player should spot it and be able to counter pretty easily (you have to stay 9" when deep striking, so really easy to chaff out).  I like the mobility idea of it though so could be usefuly for that.  Will give it a go at some point for sure.  Loving the last word at the moment on the torpedoes,  really can cause your opponent to think before charging.


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But you get to move once you drop out of the ship, so they could move closer and be within 5" if desired.  That should minimize chaf concerns, but you definitely would need to be within 12" of several units to get the most benefit. I haven't tried it yet, but will give it a shot in the future.

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2 minutes ago, FractalRain said:

But you get to move once you drop out of the ship, so they could move closer and be within 5" if desired.  That should minimize chaf concerns, but you definitely would need to be within 12" of several units to get the most benefit. I haven't tried it yet, but will give it a shot in the future.

You can't move in the movement phase with that endrinwork I think. 

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2 minutes ago, Naflem said:

How did you rig up that second support beam on the ironclad?


About 5 seconds, I got a piece of spare stand I had, and put a blob of glue on each end.  Wedged it between the base and ship so it touched both ends but didn't 'push'.  Then added extra sand to the base around that end.  No pinning etc but it seems to hold pretty well.  It's just support to stop the wobble really.

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So I managed a game this morning, vs James at our club.  He was running a massive beastmen horde army.  My army was unchanged (and won't be for at least a dozen games)

Game 2 vs James Eveleigh


He had 3 units of 20 Gors, 20 Bestigor, 30 Ungro raiders, Beastlord, 2 shamans 2 units of 3 Bullgor and 2 WLC. (think that is all)

Mission was Take and Hold. AKA Boredraw (my least favourite scenario)


I deployed well before James (3 arkanaughts and General on board, rest in the Ironclad), but as he had cunning deciever I elected to go second.  In this scenario I like the chance of a double turn.  I had underestimated the speed of James's forces, he had 2 units of Gor 9" away from my lines, and had a chance of a turn 1 double charge.  He failed both luckily for me.

My turn 1, I moved up arkanaughts so all pistols were also in range, and dropped everything out.  Moved the Ironcald to within 3 of both units threatening me.  Cunning deciever is really good vs Overlords, switching to 5's on a lot of weaponry really hurts.  Even so I managed to shoot off enough of the Bestigor and Raiders that they would auto battleshock off.  I chipped away at the front rank of Gor as well. 

What really helped was both Riggers and Wardens rolled 4 ups for grapple.  Propelling both into his back lines and letting me charge both WLC.  I also charged the boat into both units of Gors, and the Endrinmaster into the other end of one of his Gor units.  Wardens easily took down a WLC, but Riggers failed miserably (The 1 attack each really hurts them, they are a specialist unit I think rather than generic combat).  Ironclad took 4 wounds, but Master smashed face killing 6 Gor! Him pinning the second unit at either end with the Ironclad, stopping a pile in was really good and saved a larger number of wounds. Both units had inspiring prescence on them though. 

I was happy with things so far, a double turn would really hurt James, had he made his charges though I think he would have had the upper hand.

I lost priority Turn 2 and James tried to attack both my 10 units of arkanaughts around each flank, moving minotaurs to threaten.  The last WLC tied to snipe my Endrinmaster to allow his unit to pile in to my Ironclad.  He rolled a 6, but then rolled 4 out of 6 6's!  Very nasty.  Bullgors failed their charges however, and I cleaned up the last WLC and half a unit of gors he left on his objective, who had charged the Wardens.

My turn really hurt James, with no -1 to hit, both Bullgor units died, I cleaned out the unit of Gor on his objective, and his beastlord.  The units locked with the ironclad died, as the Endrinmaster jumped back into the Ironclad.  By the end of turn 2 he had 5 models left I think. 

James won priority turn 3 and moved a few models before deciding enough was enough and conceding the game.

Result Major Victory

Conclusions, yeah the firepower is immense.  You can do serious damage if stuff gets close and into the kill boxes.  Even with -1 to hit it still really hurts.  I think if James had hit my lines turn 1 it would have been a harder struggle.  The gor would have killed a fair few Arkanaughts, but think the hooks would have survived, which did most of the damage.  Rigger/Wardens are interesting, not sure on drill cannons still, think the melee option might be better.  Love the grapple, in objective based missions it has the potential to swing a game your way fast.  Very dice dependant though.

Will have a game coming up Thursday, not sure who, it may be @Chris Tomlin depending if he is at club.

A few pics of the battle



Army progress is good, Just have 2 Khemists, Master, and 5 Thunderers to go.  (plus gonna finish gunboat and special character after that)



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