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Been playing Games Workshop games since the original Adeptus Titanicus. I've generally been a 40K player, but have always enjoyed everything about The World That Was. Recently I have lapsed in my gaming due to time-pressures but I've always tried to keep up-to-date.

With the 8th edition of 40K coming out, I started looking into Age of Sigmar to see what could be expected. It was only a short while before the short rules, creativity of the factions and a curiosity of the setting got it's hooks into me.

In all honesty, I am at this point still a lapsed gamer. Two young children, a degree and a full-time job do not leave much time to build plastic people; but maybe in a few short years it might be possible. In the meantime I can read novels and enjoy watching the Sigmarian Reclamation.

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Setting up a portable painting station and doing 15-20 minutes a day can be a great way to destress after the wee ones are asleep.

I would highly recommend checking out Hinterlands here on this site.  It's a small skirkish version of AoS.  If you search eBay for Warhammer Single Figure you can find people who break up boxes to sell individual figures and parts.

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1 hour ago, Nin Win said:

Setting up a portable painting station and doing 15-20 minutes a day can be a great way to destress after the wee ones are asleep.


Second this. It also means your wife doesn't get upset because you are upstairs ignoring her. You're just in the same room ignoring her, which is apparrently ok.

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36 minutes ago, fartsocks said:

Second this. It also means your wife doesn't get upset because you are upstairs ignoring her. You're just in the same room ignoring her, which is apparrently ok.

I third this, its exactly what I do. 

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