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Help - Flesh eater colours

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Hello everybody.

I'm waiting for the delivery of my first ghouls - I ordered the King Vlagorescu's Ghoulish Host, and I'm now checking my colors to be sure I have everything I need :-)

Do you have any suggestion on the "must have" to paint them? 


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What I do sometimes if not sure about colour scheme is:


Prime model white, set your light so some shadows are visible and the way you like. Very helpful is flat background without any gradient or texture.

Take sharp photo and open in Photoshop or any other graphic software. 

Play with Levels or contrast/brightness to get everything sharp but still need shadows to be visible.

'Magic wand' your background and invert selection.

Now you have selection around your model.

Pick any brush and any colour you want. Blue, yellow, red, that doesnt matter. Paint your model flat in new layer. Change that layer to Multiply or colour or overlay ( cant remember which is better) 

Find HUE/saturation option and play with it. hue will change your colours instantly. you can save as JPEG every colour scheme you like then compare.


Its very easy method and save a lot of time and models. If you need detailed tutorial let me know. I'll do it on Thursday. 


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