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Pure BCR Artefacts and Traits


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Hi all, hope you're all having a good week.

I'm off to a tournament in just over a week (AGOM up in sunny Kendal) and i'm finalising my list but I've reached a point where I'm unsure how to proceed.

I've not seen anyone discuss the BCR traits and artefacts before because I know Battle Brew is quite hard to over-look. I'm quite a 'fluffy' player so if there's an allegiance for the army, I want to use it. With that in mind, has anyone else used any of the items/got any thoughts on them?

Below is the list I'm planning on taking:

Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders

Frostlord on Stonehorn (460) - General
Huskard on Stonehorn (380)
Icebrow Hunter (160)

2 x Mournfang Pack (200)
- Gargant Hackers 
- Beastclaw Raiders Battleline
2 x Mournfang Pack (200)
- Gargant Hackers 
- Beastclaw Raiders Battleline
2 x Frost Sabres (60)
- Beastclaw Raiders Battleline (Icetooth Hunter General)
2 x Frost Sabres (60)
- Beastclaw Raiders Battleline (Icetooth Hunter General)
Stonehorn Beastriders (360)
- Beastclaw Raiders Battleline

Eurlbad (60)
Skal (60)

Total: 2000/2000

I'm happy with the make-up on the list, I've tested it a couple of times against Pure Ironjawz, a death list that aims to get you to -3 /-4 to hit and an Allarielle/Durthu Syvaneth list. I didn't encounter too many difficulties but I'm still unsure what to give what? 

I'm leaning towards the following options but if anyone has any great ideas I'm open to them (I don't have the book at work so I don't have the correct names but you'll get the idea)

The Eurlbad battalion gives the Huskard +1 damage across his melee weapons (It doesn't specify not the mount which I know some grand alliance items do) so I thought I'd give him the +1 damage weapon. This should make the Stonehorn 6x damage 5 at -2 rend and D6x damage d3+2 at -1 rend, while the ogre will be 3x damage 3

I thought I'd give the Frostlord the healing item

For the hunter, I'm torn between the dispel ability as he'll be appearing near to his target or the mortal wound breath attack

For the command trait, I'm leaning towards the 're-roll the winter roll' but as I always forget to roll that anyway, not sure if this is the best use, maybe the extra wound on the FL?

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read, any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


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If I play pure bcr I always use everwinters master. Gives a much better chance of getting the movement bonus. This gives the stonehorns a 15+ 3D6 charge range.  


I used the dispel in two tournaments with a hunter and only used it twice. Better to give the huskard a pelt also. Two stonehorn characters with pelts are hard to get off the board

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Thanks @Nogle for the advice, I took the Pelt last night on both Stonehorns and the Everwinters blessing re-roll against a Sylvanth wargrove with a unit of 9 hunters (next to damned terrain) and a Hurricanium. 

I lost 1 Mournfang all game (and that was to a Wildwood roll of a 1). Felt like I rolled over him which was fun :) (for me anyway). I did manage to dispel a spell as well which was unusual but the game ended the end of turn 3 so no additional chances.

I'm unsure where you're getting the 3d6 charge range on the Stonehorns however? They have to charge when within 12" but I don't see any mention of increased charge range.

I'll manage to get a couple more games in before my tournament but I'm getting happier with the list

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1 hour ago, cascadingmilk said:

I'm unsure where you're getting the 3d6 charge range on the Stonehorns however? They have to charge when within 12" but I don't see any mention of increased charge range.

I think @Nogle is referring to the fact that the Stonehorn can run and charge.

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Any of 4-6 would be good.

Blade would be great, put it on one of the stonehorn attacks.

The token would be good to make Huskard an absolute killer for one turn

Skull plate would help him against rank and file

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