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Starting a Soulblight List; Advice appreciated!


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Ok so this is the list I came up with. Kind of wanted it to have the vampire lord and his thralls kinda feel. It has a pretty clear heirarchy and I'm excited to play it in some form:


Allegiance: Death

Vampire Lord On Zombie Dragon (440)

- General

- Deathlance & Shield & Chalice

- Trait: Red Fury

- Artefact: Tomb Blade

Crypt Ghast Courtier (80)

5 x Blood Knights (260)

5 x Blood Knights (260)

5 x Blood Knights (260)

20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)

20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)

20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)

Ghoul Patrol (100)


Total: 2000/2000


Essentially I'm wondering if this is probably as efficient as I can make it? Or should I drop a unit of blood knights for either a ghoul king and vamp lord on nightmare. Or maybe something like a summoning pool for morghasts or even a coven throne? The coven throne would probably look very thematic, but I'd also like to win games. Any advice for any changes?



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In all honestly, i would keep all the blood knights and remove the ghouls. i have never had much success with ghouls and found morghasts better. 2 units of 2 morghasts or some varghiests.

A unit of fell bats would be good to clear enemy archers at the back, as they can become really good with a simple arcane bolt to make them frenzied.

The VLZD is decent but he needs back up which the knights would provide


Blood knights- 260pts

Blood knights- 260pts

Blood knights- 260pts

6 varghiests - 320pts

3 varghiests -160pts

3 fell bats -80pts

Edit: 1780pts overall with 220pts for summoning

then enough points to summon some zombie and skeleton units to hold objectives late game. This has worked well for me as long as i keep the VLZD alive.

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Hm interesting, that's the first time I've heard someone not like ghoul patrol, I'm glad I got to hear from the other side of the fence because I am definitely not against running vargheists or morghasts. How do you hold objectives with the list you presented?

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To hold objectives, i will either use the unit of  3 varghiests or some summoned skeleton archers/zombies depending on the army. i usually summon 2 units of zombies and a unit of skel archers during the game.

with the varghiests and blood dragons i can typically go one the offensive forcing my opponent to denfend with thier units that they would typically use to go for the objectives on my side of the board.

i agree that ghoul patrol is usful, i just find that my opponents are now prepared for it, so they set it up so that they can easily deal with them.


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Ghoul patrol seems cool but flesheaters really benefit from being close together so by definition ghoul patrol takes you out of synergy range and makes it very easy to deal wth. However it does divert attention and might allow you to contest opponent objectives early. Depends on the mission. The ghast courtier itself sucks so it's the tax.  If you wanna run horde would run zombies. Even without necro/corpse cart buffs a unit of 30-40 zombies is a great tarpit and can hold objectives. 

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