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How me your... Most unique conversions.


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So,with the advent of Aos the structure of armies, and specifically allies was blown open - if you wanted an ogre unit in your orc army or a dwarf cannon in your elf army - you could do it!


I want you to show me the conversions you are most proud of that put an unusual model in to your army...


Mine? I was originally going to play fyreslayers, painted as disbanded chaos dwarfs but wanted to squeeze in a treeman so, I came up with this bad boy - greenstuff flames and burning braziers with a paint job to match!  



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This pre-dates Age of Sigmar a little, but there was the time I wanted an 'Orky' giant for my savages, rather than a human-looking one, so I tried to convert a 'Papo' toy...



(with regular savage orc for scale)


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I built these three as unit fillers for my two clanrat units and my plague monks respectively. 







Now that I've made the leap to AoS I have my work cut out for me trying to find some cool uses for them. Not like I'll need unit fillers any more.

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I like what you did on the last one in particularly, clever use of bits Grimnaud!

This is a converted Sorcerer Lord on Disc I did...must be 7 years ago or more...I think 2007ish. I've got a few Skaven ones to share as well, but I think I'm having a caching problem with the gallery. I'll have to upload them in smaller quantities I think.




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I've got a lot of conversions...probably my favorite thing about the hobby :) I'm going to share a few of my favorites that are Fantasy related.


My Skaven Battle Standard Bearer:



Rat Ogres, lots of Ork Killa Kan and Dread bits as well as greenstuff




Gutter Runners converted from Clan Rats and greenstuff/plasticard. This was my first try at doing any sort of capes.



This is a Maulerfiend for Chaos Space Marines...but the Majority of the bits are Fantasy. I used a Gargant (Giant) as well as leftover Screaming Bell bits, greenstuff...and just tons of stuff from my bits box :)




Look at those cute lil Nurglings hanging on!



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