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Huge stormcast army for sale.

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Afternoon AoS fans. 


Unfortunately due to real life problems I've been forced to sell my stormcast army. 

I'm not looking to split this so will be selling in one go. 

The list of what I have is below. (P) this means painted everything else will either be BNIB, on sprues or built but unpainted. You can build most competitive lists with what I have.


Celestant on Stardrake (P) 

Celestant on dracoth (P) 

2x Relictors (one painted, one built built but baecoated) 

2x heraldors (p) 

azyros basecoated gold  

celestant prime (p)

castellant (p) 


2x 5 judicators (p) 

5 judicators on sprue 

10x liberators (p) warhammer and shield, 2xgrandhammers 

10x liberators unpainted with shield and blades. 2x grandblades 

10x retributors 4x starsoul mace 

4x fulminators (p) 

stormcast warscroll cards and tokens  

On element games this comes to £570, I'm looking for £470 and no army swaps. I'll cover recorded postage. 

Any questions or photos needed just shout. 


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Just stumbled across this thread and noticed these could be a huge boost to my army. Do you have a price for the below models individually or as a group.

Not sure if it makes a difference but i noticed you put the price in £ im from the UK also.



Celestant on Stardrake (P) 

azyros basecoated gold  

celestant prime (p)

castellant (p) 


5 judicators (p) 


5 judicators on sprue 

4x fulminators (p) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

if I had the money idling I'd have taken these off you in a flash.

the majority painted and based to that standard for the price ...  so sorry you're having to part with them.

the second-hand market in terms of painted GW figs never fails to amaze me.

Unless the figures are pro / top=class jobs people only seem willing to pay less than the price of a box of unconstructed figures. And your's look to be painted to a very high table-top standard (the basing alone has taken real time and effort and looks great).

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Was wondering if you still have the below left and what the price would be:

Celestant on Stardrake (P) 

Celestant on dracoth (P) 

1x Relictors (painted one)

castellant (p) 

2x 5 judicators (p) 

10x liberators (p) warhammer and shield, 2xgrandhammers 

4x fulminators (p) 


Also how much more to add each of the below:

2x heraldors (p) 

celestant prime (p)


Please let me know; thanks!

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