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All about the base...for Spider Riders


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Hey all,

I'm working on some Bolt Action stuff right now, but I'm very eager to finally start on the Goblin Spider Rider project I've been dreaming about since...Battle for Skull Pass came out? Anyway, I've amassed a lot of them and I'm excited to get started...but I think I want to go for oval bases. I'm more than happy to give GW money for the new Orruks or even more Goblins...but I am looking for a basing alternative, perhaps cut MDF? Does anyone have any recommendations?

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I've used both Warbases (http://war-bases.co.uk), and the seller modularterrain on eBay several times. The only thing I really do differently with MDF than  plastic bases is to seal them with a thin layer of watered down white glue to prevent warping. It's probably unnecessary, but I mould greenstuff bases for all my armies, so they are more exposed to water than most.

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