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The AoS has reached Spain too!

The Traitor

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I recently joined the forums after finally getting into AoS, and even though everything has been great so far it is a bit disappointing not to see a Spain sub-forum at the International AoS Communities, specially when just yesterday I was talking to people of my local store who mentioned how great TGA was and that they had accounts there. 

So maybe creating a spanish sub-forum could be taken into consideration? I'm sure there are some of us in here!

Thanks a lot for your time!

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Welcome on board fellow Estalian,

I did notice upon joining the lack of Spanish forum. I mean, there is even an Iceland one that happens to be empty!! :P

Should be possible to make one, though not sure if it would be active. I have the impression (from the two different regions I frequent) that AoS isn't particularly active. An odd game here and there, and a tourney once in a blue moon.... The once shattered fantasy players seem to have regrouped around the 9th Age (which appears to be very active) or moved along (KoW, OldHammer,....). Are other areas any different? 

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I'm sorry to hear that, in my store in Madrid the community is much more active, there are some only-AoS players and there's always a league running and events are pretty frequent, but truth be told, the opinion on AoS of a lot of spanish blogs is very poor, which I think that may have caused the initial bad reaction of the community to stay harder in here... However I hope that people will start seeing it with better eyes, eventually. 

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