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What should I buy next...

Soul oWar

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Hey guys, so I love my Ironjawz, I'm guessing that 5 or 10 more brutes would make me golden. Maybe a thir megaboss, but really not sure.

1 Maw Krusha / 2 Megaboss / 3 warchanter / 1 Weirdnob Shaman
30 Ardboys / 15 brutes / 9 Gore-Gruntas

I also put my hand on one Beastclaw Icewind Assault on the cheap. So I,m thinking trying to find another Icewind Assault and I would never need another BCR until new models. (same as Ironjawz I guess.)

What I wonder is what to go for next, Savage orruk for mixed destruction and building toward Kunning Ruk, or moonclan grots. I mostly focused on Ironjawz so far and haven't really paid attention to mixed destruction so I am not sure what is the next step for my wallet. And there is GH2 right around the corner, will 20+ brutes list still be viable or kunning ruk for that matter... 


Anyway thanks for your insights.

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No one knows what will happen with GH2, so if you are going to base purchases on that, then I would suggest waiting.  


But if you are looking to get stuff now and dont care, then...


If you are going straight ironjawz, 5 more brutes wont hurt.  


Both moonclan and the rukk work well to support BCR if you want to try mixed destruction.  I personally think moonclan is much more fun to play than savages, so I would pick that to focus on first. 

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I'd highly recommend waiting to see what the new book brings, it could be huge for us (we hope).

Just buy stuff you like the look of and want to paint up! It's actually quite a liberating time, full army at your disposal and a new edition round the corner.

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