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Thunderhead Brotherhood or Hammerstrike Force


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Hi everyone! I'm a new player of Age of Sigmar (Stormcast) and I still don't know how the meta-game is in Stormcast army, that is why I created this topic.

The thing is that I want to add some units to my collection (about to get 2k points).I love Judicators and Retributors miniatures but I can not decide if I would go for Thunderhead Brotherhood (I would get 10x Judicators) or Hammerstrike Force ( 5x Retributors).

My Stormcast army at the moment is: 

20x Liberators

6x Prosecutors

5x Retributors

1x Lord-Celestant on Dracoth

1x Lord Relictor

1x Lord Castellant

1x Celestant-Prime


So, what do you think? What is the best Battalion or what would be better for what I already have? Also, I can only get one of them, for economics reasons.


PD: Sorry for my english, not my first lenguage ^^

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I get a lot of mileage out of the Hammerstrike Force. I'm not a huge fan of the Thunderhead Brotherhood, especially since it makes you split your Liberators into a bunch of groups of (usually) 5, and I prefer them in a big block for buffs and such.

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