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Blood Warriors: Goreblade in the champion?


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This its a stupid question but that just strike me talking with a friend.

The typical special weapon option of a warscrol... can you give it to the squad leader? 

I have all my miniatures mounted with the special weapon in another guy, an thats why he its always the last to die after the champion. But if its true that I can give them to the champion and just have 1 more attack with the special weapon, I'll fell very stupid :P 

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You can by the rules yes. I dont however as I use the champion from the Starter as the leader for my mob of 15 Blood Warriors. 

To me, it doesnt seem right to give the special weapons to the unit leaders. I feel the same way with my Stormcast as well. Just personal preference and self-moderation. I also only take 1 in 5 Maces with my Paladins as I feel the 2-5 is not sporting or fun for my opponent. 

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