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"I wish you good fortune in the dwarfs to come."

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Avid dwarf nut/collector here since 1994 and have like 8,000 or so still left (after sell-offs) at home which I will rebase for AoS next month. But I'm piqued by rumors of steamheads or whatever is coming. So I pose the question to The Faithful: what do you think AoS will release for any type of duardin (repacks count, I guess). Factions, new toys, themes?

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I think the answer you are looking for is yes, but we have no idea when. Depends on what GW have planned for the Duardin and the direction they plan on taking them. You can argue that with the Fyreslayers, they have had a recent release and I think all the Aelf players want a bit of love and attention.

Personally, I'm expecting a repack before anything new modelwise.


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I don't know if it's sour grapes or what, but I'm not proud of how happy I am seeing elves and empire being shunted off to the side for a while, after decades of primacy.  Even daemons (outside some of the big gribbly kits).

So far AoS (outside of the new SCEs) is the age of the Dwarf, the Orc, the Lizardmen/Seraphon, the Khorneholios.  Such a reversal.

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I want to see a SCGT in 2017 where the relative numbers of Dwarfs, Orcs, and Seraphon* match the relative numbers of Dark Elves, Daemons, and Vampires from 2013.  And vice-versa.  "Oh, you play Dark Elves?  What a lovely hobby army you have.  I'm sure you'll enjoy table 65 all weekend long.  Good luck winning Best Sport and Best Painted!"

I do feel a bit bad about it, but as a long suffering Dwarf/O&G mid-bottom table player, I won't feel *too* bad.  LOL


*Or rather Order/Destruction armies mainly themed around those, you know what I mean.

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I wonder how different my games will be this next year but I see less of an annoying event: people forming gun lines & backing up away from my Duardin. 

Funny aside, my final game in Sunday's event involved Saurus retreating. Player asked how that works & I had no idea. Never seen it. Fyreslayers or no respecting Duardin would even consider such a thing, lol;) but now I've seen it done, seems easier than I'd think. I'll do a post about it.

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Yeah, remember that and still hoping its true. Sometimes things sound so far-fetched but turn out being bad leak pics: then suddenly the true genius of the models becomes apparent . So I hope the Internet just skips these first two steps & proceeds directly to awesome. :)

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The Steam Golem has been a rumour since 7th ed. No more solid than a new Chaos Space Marine codex.


Gunlines and shooting in general seems less popular. I feel that it's mostly due to all the dwarf and empire players quitting/changing armies.

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45 minutes ago, Darth Alec said:

The Steam Golem has been a rumour since 7th ed. No more solid than a new Chaos Space Marine codex.

Gunlines and shooting in general seems less popular. I feel that it's mostly due to all the dwarf and empire players quitting/changing armies.

A lot of rumors that seem false are probably real, but are things that didn't wind up making production at that time.  I'd give the golem a solid bet on showing up.

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10 minutes ago, daedalus81 said:

A lot of rumors that seem false are probably real, but are things that didn't wind up making production at that time.  I'd give the golem a solid bet on showing up.

Hey, welcome!!


@Darth Alec you're clearly confused, it's Chaos Squats, Back from the abyss;)

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