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2K BCR List


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Here is a list I was thinking about bringing to a tournament in a couple of weeks. What do you all think?


Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders

Frostlord on Stonehorn (460)
- General
- Trait: Bellowing Tyrant
- Artefact: Battle Brew
Icebrow Hunter (160)

2 x Mournfang Pack (200)
2 x Mournfang Pack (200)
2 x Frost Sabres (60)
2 x Frost Sabres (60)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)
- Pig Iron Choppas
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)
- Pig Iron Choppas
Thundertusk Beastriders (320)

Braggoth's Beast Hammer (160)

Total: 1980/2000

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Not sure what happened to your post, but I reformatted it so people could read it:

Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders


Frostlord on Stonehorn (460)

  • General
  • Trait: Bellowing Tyrant
  • Artefact: Battle Brew

Icebrow Hunter (160)


2 x Mournfang Pack (200)

2 x Mournfang Pack (200)

2 x Frost Sabres (60)

2 x Frost Sabres (60)

3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)

  • Pig Iron Choppas

3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)

  • Pig Iron Choppas

Thundertusk Beastriders (320)


Braggoth's Beast Hammer (160)


Total: 1980/2000


I'd say it warrants trying at the very least! You also have a second magic item from having the battalion, so toss some Battlebrew on that Hunter! That will let you deploy him, move him up with Rampagers (since he is a Hero), then shoot both weapons and charge, making him a pretty effective character assassin. The weakest links in the list are your Thundertusk and Frost Sabres... I would be tempted to lose 2 Frostsabres to upgrade the Thundertusk to a Stonehorn. Thundertusks are great, but far better as Huskards, giving him a second Stonehorn threat will really terrify the opponent.

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7 minutes ago, crazyhorse1321 said:

Thank you -thediceabide  I have no idea what happened.

I was thinking of giving the hunter or the frostlord the pelt that lets them heal in the hero phase.


If you do that, then you cannot take the Battlebrew, Rampagers, or Bellowing Tyrant. For this list I'd strongly recommend keeping the Destruction grand alliance traits.

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I hadn't thought of that.

here is another way I was thinking about running this.

Allegiance: Destruction

Frostlord on Stonehorn (460)
- General
- Trait: Bellowing Tyrant
- Artefact: Battle Brew
Icebrow Hunter (160)
- Artefact: Battle Brew

3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)
- Pig Iron Choppas
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)
- Pig Iron Choppas
2 x Mournfang Pack (200)
2 x Mournfang Pack (200)
3 x Icefall Yhetees (120)
Thundertusk Beastriders (320)

Braggoth's Beast Hammer (160)

Total: 1980/2000

I have to take either 1 unit of frost sabers or a Tusk/Stone beastriders to get my 3rd battleline unit. This was gives me more wounds and the yhettees are fast to get to an objective.

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Sorry if I missed it, but does the fact that the Gore Gruntas are in a BCR Battalion keep the Allegiance BCR?

I always thought it would make it generic destruction (not that I am smart on this or anything).

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44 minutes ago, Dorrance said:

Sorry if I missed it, but does the fact that the Gore Gruntas are in a BCR Battalion keep the Allegiance BCR?

I always thought it would make it generic destruction (not that I am smart on this or anything).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep it stays BCR

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