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General impressions


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Hi Ben,


just wanted to to share my early impressions/feedback. I haven't read through the other posts so apologies if I repeat something you're already looking at...

  • firstly, I really like the concept. Having done the rounds of searching the various race-centric forums (Chamber of the Everchosen, Herdstone, Lustria Online) to find AoS content, having a single hub that covers everything while still providing separate space for the different alliances, club talk, modelling etc is great. The design is lovely - clean, modern, really feels like a 21st century upgrade to the familiar forums of old. I think there may have been a feeling that forum were a bit old hat now, but this proves that they can still be fresh and innovative.
  • Club Directory - when you go into the directory, all you see is a club name and a star rating. The geographical locations of some are clear from the name, but others need you to click further to find out if the club is local (or even in the same country). Is there a way to include the location of a club on that first page for easy reference.

Hmm, not sure two bullets quite constitutes useful feedback, but I'll be sure to add if something else comes to me. 

Keep up the good work - you've done an awesome job and I'm genuinely excited about joining a forum community for the first time in years, so think that must count for something! 



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Thanks for the feedback. Modern interface was top priority. 

The club directory is still work in progress. I need to figure out the best way of displaying the results. At the Mo it's up there more so it can be added to than used to find places. 


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Fair enough. ?

With setting a profile pic, has anyone mentioned any problems uploading a pic? Choosing to select a file to upload for the background pic lets you select from Photo Library but doing so for the profile pic doesn't let you pick from there (when I press Choose Single File, nothing happens)?image.pngimage.png


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