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Best Way to Magnetise Bases?

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I've been sticking magnets to my bases for a while and transporting miniatures round in biscuit tins and on baking trays.  However, the magnets often come unstuck.  During deployment it's guaranteed that at least one magnet will snap of its base as I remove the mini from the tray.  Sometimes it's 3/4 magnets from bases.  It's pretty infuriating!

I've tried super glue and epoxy resin.  Neither manages to hold fast.  Does anyone have a suggestion for an adhesive I could try?  I'd love to find something that held them all in place.

Thanks in advance!

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You could try something like No More Nails/Unibond (construction adhesive). It would be messy though. Or you could try putting some Green Stuff or Milliput around the magnets after you super glue them in place. More of the surface area of the magnet would be held in place then.

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