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What New Unit Would You Most Like to See?

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So AoS has seen some pretty crazy releases.  The brakes are off and the design studio are now able to release anything they can dream up.  What would you most like to see?  What would you release if it was up to you?

My thoughts:

I'd like to see Tzeentch get some big infantry, the size of blightkings and wrathmongers.  Maybe some sort of birdmen, as rumoured with the Crystal Tower thing, or just some big pink freaks.

I'd also like to see duardin get some big kits.  Tunnelers, animated statues, whatever.  The more I play AoS, the more I move towards big stuff. To go back to playing dwarfs would mean fielding almost all infantry.  I can't see it happening.

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I'd like to see a raft of characters, age of sigmar is a game full of character and it would be nice to see either some more named characters or a way of customizing characters to make them a little more individual from each other

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16 minutes ago, AettHobby said:

I'd like to see a raft of characters, age of sigmar is a game full of character and it would be nice to see either some more named characters or a way of customizing characters to make them a little more individual from each other

I think we could get this with the General's Handbook.  I'm guessing they'll price different weapon options that warscrolls already have.  It'd be a small step from there to have a standard list of magic items.  Now that I type it, I'm not sure I like it though...it all seems a bit too 8th Edition.

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I actually don't like the idea of Duardin monsters all that much. Magmadroth not included. I like their infantry focus. It's actually unusual now!

But they need some speed options now. Without Miners or Rangers they just can't get around the board. So maybe a tunnelling machine?

I'd love some plastic multi-part vampires as well.

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Ooh, wish listing! 

Something big and steampowered for the duardin. A golem or ancestor god or some such. 

A re-imagining of something Bretonnian-esque, but uniquely AOS. 

For everything else I'm just waiting to see what awesome madness GW do next. 


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I'll put in another vote for steampowered Duardin. I would definitely go berko for that. I remember way back when the 8th ed dwarf book was released there were rumours for a big tunneling machine model that was prototyped but wasn't part of that release - would be interesting to see if it eventuates.

I'm also really keen to see what they do with the aelves, now that they've got a bit of freedom of movement. I can imagine some really free-flowing, elegant stuff at the larger scale.  

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Death need scary, horrifying war machine that shoot horror and despair into the enemy. 

Man other vote to more character. Bring me ulrika we need some vampire coutier. The current vampire queen either look like old maid or alien face fused on...

and revise the blood knight prices too? 

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I'd like to see what plans they have for Aelfs, and if they transition as well as Orcs > Orruks have.

Maybe it will be a continuous evolution from the 'thin humans with pointy ears' into something taller, longer limbed, with more alien faces, armour and weapons.

I hope they still reference the old factions, even if they can all mix together.

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New named characters (heroes of the new age), more new terrain and new Free Peoples would be high on my list. But most of all I'd love to see a whole new race. Gnomes or tiger-men or wendigos or bunyips. Something that could not have fitted in the World That Was. Something new and not just a rip on Tolkien or Moorcock. Like the Stormcast or Fyreslayers, I suppose.

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I'd love the Duardin big kit but so I just don't pick my fav armies:

Fimir 2 kits + 1-2 heroes

New giant multi-kit to make options + heroes for giant, er, gargants faction

slayer pirates

Ironjawz treatment to Beastmen

General monsters return like when I started Warhammer in *cough cough* 1994 *cough cough* I'd want a kickass giant scorpion first (like, Arachnaroch size)

Whatever is up with trolls now, but a list w/troll ****** as a hero

and for fun: Fyreslayers  warmachine which launches magma at the enemy (but not exactly like CD)

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Hearkening back to Storm of Magic (woefully underutilized by most communities in 8th), I'd like to see a 5th "neutral" grand alliance of monsters that anyone could take in any list without needing to come to special arrangements with opponents (which you could already do, obviously, using Open Play).

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I am really anticipating the Aelfs.  I hope any new Aelf Faction can be a strong unifying force (in terms of design) of High, Dark, and Wood Elves.  I am interested to see the new Aelf Leader models as well.  I imagine most will be large based models to keep up with Archaon and Nagash.

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@polarbear Definitely eldar-like aelfs.  They should make them mean too.  Elves have to big an ego to give a ****** about any other race.

@ShaneI really like the look of fimir too.  I'd be tempted to collect a small force of them if there was a bigger range.

@Paul Buckler Based on the fyreslayers, I wouldn't be surprised if a wardancer type faction turns out to be an aelf faction.  Maybe the first new one!

@Veterannoob I really like the idea of a giant kit with options!  It'd be great to see some giant armies!


What about an insect race for destruction?  Like swarm of locusts.  I suppose they'd be the AoS equivalent of Tyranids.  They pour across the battlefield and strip the flesh from enemies, strip their warmachines of anything edible, strip the land of crops/grass and leave bare earth behind.

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47 minutes ago, hobgoblinclub said:

Nice! And a death human faction.  Thrawls who have devoted themselves to dark practices, probably led by vampires.

That would be awesome. A human Death Cult of some kind, either Vampire thralls or people who simply have to live in Nagash's realm. 


Anything to flesh out my Death Alliance, with it's one rewritten formation...lack of new models.. and removal of the Tomb Kings. 

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Got a bit of a list of stuff I think would be cool to see:

  • Sisters of Sigmar return as part of the Devoted of Sigmar faction.
  • Magmadrake Cavalry for Fyreslayers because why not?
  • Deathrattle Chariots, War machines and Bone Giant because I think they'd make a great addition.
  • Zombie Ogors/Troggoths, you could call them Festers.
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