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Is there any way to create a populated list of tags? As it stands, when starting a new post you can make the tags anything you want... but I think it would be nice to be able to select from a list of certain "popular" or "suggested" tags and still add more if necessary.

E.g., tags such as "narrative", "open", and "matched" would be useful when posting an army list for discussion. I'm not sure if there are other tags that might be commonly appropriate for different threads, but I would expect that picking from a list might get people to use the tags more frequently.

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I don't know how feasible this is, but maybe a search type thing that populates a drop down as you type. Partly to save time, but also so you can reuse the same tags that other people have used. I made a dwarf post, and didn't know what tags to use, so I ended up not knowing if I needed to do dwarf, dwarfs, dwarves, duardin, dispossed etc. It also helps avoid typos.

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I love the fact that you can make your own tags...but I also see the problem in not having a drop down list. Creating a drop down list (if possible) is as bit tough, because things are being added/changed in the game all the time. It would also be a long list!

An elegant solution would be to have these entries in a database, and as you type in your tag it auto populates your entry while still maintaining the functionality of being able to add your own tags. Then the admin/mods could look at the list of tags in the DB and remove and typos.

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