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How to optimise or defend for the double turn


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6 hours ago, budebear said:

you cant "play for it".

you set up a charge and hope you get that 50/50 chance


I do not suggest at all that "play for it".

I tried to get you enough basic info so that you understand all aspects of the double turn so you can make the right choices leading up to them. This way you do not have to worry if you or your opponent wins or fails the initiative.

It is super important you DO NOT play for the initiative, if you fail it you are dead. You should always be prepared to make the most out if it if you get it though. 

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I don't know if I read it wrong (not a native speaker), but what is the problem with ranged attacks? Why should I move more closely to the reavers in my first turn to shoot the hero one turn later? If I get the double turn, I can move in my second movement phase and if the opposite player gets the Initiative and I don't move he needs a higher charge role to attack.

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, Johann said:

I don't know if I read it wrong (not a native speaker), but what is the problem with ranged attacks? Why should I move more closely to the reavers in my first turn to shoot the hero one turn later? If I get the double turn, I can move in my second movement phase and if the opposite player gets the Initiative and I don't move he needs a higher charge role to attack.


Hi! You read it right! The threat range of Prosecutors is 30”, 12” move + 18” shooting. Even though the Reavers are well within the 18” shooting range, the Bloodsecrator is at a distance of 33”.  By moving your Prosecutors at least 4” in the first turn of the double, you are able to shoot at the Bloodsecrator without putting them too far out if you do not get the double. 

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