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Bloodsecrator compulsary?


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Hi all,

Been playing chaos since aos dropped and bloodbound or khorne mortal stuff has had a lot of run outs. I've recently been thinking about how much I always have been setting aside 120 points in matched play for the big flag bloke. In recent lists I've been using a khorne marked warshrine in addition and maybe it's because of this and dark feast battalion but I find I'm not missing him too much.

6 wound infantry guy is easy ish to be targeted down and I find with his points it's a more killy character such as jugger lord or 5 skull reapers, 5 more blood warriors or even another 20 blood reavers.

Anyone else finding success without this guy or am I late to the party? Or am I just being lucky recently and he should be first thing in all lists?


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I think you could make an army without the bloodsecrator, but any Khorne themed army will be better off with one.  Sure he is a single vulnerable character but most people will dedicate a lot more then he is worth to take him out.  The immunity to battleshock is also a huge thing with him as well, when using bloodbound where casualties are usually high, not having to worry about battleshock is great.

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Yea you can make a list without him but why would you?  He just is far to good not to have in any Khorne list.  He even boost the dark feast battalion.  The area his banner impacts is just to large not to have.  Then if you have an aspiring deathbringer general you get even more attacks.  Suddenly models are getting 4-5 attacks each which is insane for a 60point unit.


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I felt a bit to reliant on him, so i played a few games without him. Worked fine, 120 points ekstra for units and fewer synergies to keep track of. He tends to be left a bit behind barely in effectiv range of the forward assulting troops. Hes still great thou :)

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whack him in the nearest forest, make sure hes in range and forget about him, ( other than his buff ) few people are going to track him down and try kill him with a 2+ save, those which do will be committing massive points difference to do so.  casual trash wont shift a 2+ model and hes respectable in combat for his role. 

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