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Will Warhammer Fest be Amazing?

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Tickets and hotels are booked for our road trip to Warhammer Fest!

The plan is Warhammer World on Saturday May 14th and into Nottingham to drink afterwards.  Then, on the Sunday, we're off to Warhammer Fest in Coventry.  There's five of us I think, so it should be a blast.  Hopefully we'll bump into some of you there.

The last time I attended such as event was the final Games Day, which was one big rubbish Forge World.  With all of the brilliant decisions GW are making at the moment, do we think there's a chance Warhammer Fest might actually be amazing this year?  They are so full of surprises at the moment, I can see the day being a real treat.  Guesses?

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I really want to go but I don't have anyone to go with me, but I think it will be amazing, with all the specialist stuff like Blood Bowl, the new Middle Earth SBG, Warhammer Quest silver tower (I think it's called) And the generals handbook, and more. theres loads I'm itching to find out about.

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Looking forward to our trip! Less than 2 weeks! Kind of crept up.

Yeah last time was great (2013), but yeah seemed to be the same both days except Sunday has Golden Demon too. No idea why anyone would go on Saturday unless that's thier only choice of course.. 

They should do something really cool on the Sat only to make me buy a ticket for both days.. Live shows from Bad Dice and other podcasts? I'd go both days for that!

I think Blizzcon does that with thier top fan cats and it's a massive hit.

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I'll be there on the Saturday. Whilst Golden Daemon is the Sunday it's way worse for travel. I'll already be doing a 2.5-3 hour solo train journey each way.

Looking forward to seeing what Bloodbowl is on display and playing a demo game of Silver Tower.

Also picking up a FW order; sensible way to cut that shipping cost.

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16 hours ago, hobgoblinclub said:

More chaos dwarfs?  I thought they were phasing them out again?  Has AoS rescued them?

They're FW only. The format of AoS (i.e. no traditional army restrictions) allows them to be more creative. I expect this has encouraged the team to do more AoS models (larger ones at that).

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33 minutes ago, Shane said:

They're FW only. The format of AoS (i.e. no traditional army restrictions) allows them to be more creative. I expect this has encouraged the team to do more AoS models (larger ones at that).

Yup. This is pretty much how they want to work on and release models and AoS fits right into this way of releases. A couple of years ago at a GW Studio day, some of the design staff (Jez Goodwin, Phil Kelly and Martin Footit?) were chatting about the new process they were phasing in. Basically they all work on really cool stuff all the time, but some of it never sees the light of day due to how they used to do releases in Blocks. Sometimes they would have to wait for a block to be complete or have room for them to release something, while having smaller releases works better. With AoS, having all the scrolls online and not needing a book, they can release models whenever they want. I suspect 40K will go this way at some point as there are rumours about a new edition coming out soon (new flyer rules almost cement this happening in next 12 months).

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I imagine future releases will be more closely tied to sales now.

In the past, if an army wasn't selling well, they had the problem of trying to write a new army book that reinvigorated them.

Now, if a faction flops, they can just ditch it and it's never seen again. No player has committed all their efforts to it as it's likely just part of their allied force. 

At the same time, if a faction sells well, Ironjaws for example, they'll reappear a couple of years down the line. 

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Or, they'll no longer need to 're-do' lines. They can add a new faction instead. No more traditional army restrictions either (Matched Play pending).

At an Open Day a couple of years ago the design team said they did not want to go through the "Dark Eldar" process ever again. In otherwords, having to do a complete army to get it through the doors. AoS has been evidence of that. Smaller, more focused releases with multiple builds in a box.

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