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Graveyard Display Board


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A Little project I am doing for my brother for his birthday.

Thought i would do a little WiP thread on the progress of this 2'x2' display board for his Death army which will double up a graveyard we can use on a standard table when we play games.

Using the Garden of Morr kit along with lot of graveyards and some other scenery items. Below is the layout of the diorama I am hoping to achieve. If anyone has any suggestions on any of it please comment. All welcome. 

To achieve the cobblestone path way I will use Hobby Clay and sculpt it into a broken up path, the dirt will be done by mixing polyfiller, sand and brown acrylic paint, then washed down and drybrushed back up in a redder tone. This will be accompanied with some cracked drier areas with a green glow appearing through.

My first questions are, how do I approach the parts where the dirt and cobblestone meet and what sort of flock should I use to get most realistic effect?




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37 minutes ago, TalesOfSigmar said:

That is absolutely stunning. Great work and love seeing the step by step basis. I've always wanted to build a display board akin to this but never thought it'd be doable.

Think I might have a summer project in the works now!


1 hour ago, Leviathus said:

Ooo very nice work!

Thank you very much, I was daunted by it at first but, once the steps were broken down, it was actually pretty quick. Already had the Garden of Morr kit painted which helped.

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Killer display board! Couple little nitpicks, I think you should have brought the dirt/flock up to the edges of the terrain features a bit more. Like the hill in the lower left, I think it just stands out a bit and could have used more gradation. I also wanted to see more of that green, I was expecting some really cool and creepy green glow coming up from the ground!

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Yer i Really wanted to do more of the green too, but i kind of covered it a little too much, tried to rectify and screwed it up more. Thanks for kind words though, the bases of the army have a lot more creepy green coming through. Ill post some of them soon too.

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