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Shootiest armies


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Order - As many celestial hurricanums, kurnoth hunters as you can fit, then stick on some glade guard battleline tax and a few gryph hounds to try and deny teleporting/hot drops.

Chaos - Clan Skryre, 9 stormfiends, 6 warpfire throwers etc or more if points allow, mortal wound pew pew hope it dies in one turn or your toast (universally hated for being very 1 dimensional..read boring to play and play against)

Destruction - Kunnin rukk(s), a ton of savage ork arrow boys. Couple of heroes to buff their shooting. Park them next to some damned scenery and say sayonara to anything within 18"+all the movement they have

Death - i dont think they have that much in the way of shooting..skeleton archers and a screaming skull catapult?

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1 hour ago, Riyathe said:

Destruction - Kunnin rukk(s), a ton of savage ork arrow boys. Couple of heroes to buff their shooting. Park them next to some damned scenery and say sayonara to anything within 18"+all the movement they have


Beastclaw T-tusk spam should be in here as well.

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54 minutes ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

At 750pts there was:

10 Firedrakes
10 Thunderers
10 Longbeards
1 Cannon
1 Gunsmith

It was mainly the Firedrakes and Gunsmith that hammered my forces into dust. :/


Thanks mate.

I run a 20 man gun line using Free People with Crossbows, which gives me double shots if we don't move. Curious to know if I should be pumping up the shooting support with a cannon (on top of the Celestial Hurricanum) or just keep my anvil block of Guard & Greatswords.

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Wanderers may not be as stupidly good at shooting as they were but i still think they may be the strongest. Particularly if you use compendium models.

I could say alot about them. But the Arcane Bodkin ability alone makes them a foce to be reckoned with and the army synergy can buff the shooting really effectivley.

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5 hours ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

Arcane Bodkins seem pretty hilarious.

they do alpha strike most things.

With a Forest dragon buff on them as well they become the pivotal attack in many a game.

However with glade riders, Waywatchers, Orion, SistersOTT, glade lords etc, all able to shoot pretty well.

Wanderers are still SO shooty.

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