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Alpharion's Bloodbound WIP


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  • 2 weeks later...

Really looking good! Very nice reds, flesh tones and metals. As a suggestion, you could pick out the battle damaged parts of their armor with a highlight. I'd also think about highlighting the edges of some of the weapons. I really like the extreme highlighting on the boots.

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14 hours ago, Dez said:

Really looking good! Very nice reds, flesh tones and metals. As a suggestion, you could pick out the battle damaged parts of their armor with a highlight. I'd also think about highlighting the edges of some of the weapons. I really like the extreme highlighting on the boots.

Thanks! I went back and hit the edges with some highlights. It does make them pop more, thanks for the suggestion!

Unfortunately the lighting in my hobby room was being weird tonight and all the pictures I took came out hazy looking. Will try to repeat tomorrow. So far I have finished 4 Blood Warriors. Look to finish the 5th and final one tomorrow.  After that I'll start tackling the Bloodreavers.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Whew...my 40k tournament season is over now. Time to get back into AoS. Last night I bought a stand alone shelf and unloaded my models from the various boxes and battle foam trays I have in hopes that I could get more organized. I found out that I have way more plastic than I thought I did!

Edit: I upgraded my phone and lost some really great pics of some of my recent work. Still trying to figure out how to convert the Slaughterpriests I have (I have three total, one is assembled and mostly painted. The other two are on sprue, so if you have a suggestion I'd love to hear it!)


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