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Soulblight Crusaders 2k


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Back story is these guys were a Bretonian kingdom that sent knights to crusade for Sigmar. They came back to their lands over ran by Iron Jawz and eventually a vampire started promising them power to fight the iron jawz. I have a whole story wrote out and will eventually post that on the site. 


Here's my list so far:

VLoZD w/ lance, chalice and shield

VL on nightmare

40 spear skeletons 

10 sword skeletons 

10 sword skeletons 

5 blood knights

5 blood knights 

The next are up in the air so I'm open to suggestions. Thinking of:

6 spirit host

3 spirit host

That way I have 54 attacks that could cause mortal wounds. I'm coming from a vampire counts and dwarf background in fantasy and now that there are points I'm moving over to AoS. I'm not using old models and starting fresh so I don't keep trying to compare the two games!

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Blood knights and VLoZD are very good hard hitters to those without 2++ or 3++ rerollable saves. 

I only advice to change VL with a necromancer to free 20 pts and cast VHDM to the skeletons.

The skeletons would be very good to hold onto objectives and bring bodies to the table

I would advise to summon dire wolves to screen Bloodknights. No need for them to start on the board and you can summon another unit if you face a shooty opponent. 

Spirit hosts are exellent if you face 2++ save units. But you can leave them in the summoning pool to see if the need arise.

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Would it be better for matched play to have everything on board or not?  K I'll drop VL add necro and keep like 380pt in summoning. Should I add 2 units of dire wolves to block and screen for the blood knights ? I heard black knights suck. 

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3 hours ago, Ulrock said:

Would it be better for matched play to have everything on board or not?  K I'll drop VL add necro and keep like 380pt in summoning. Should I add 2 units of dire wolves to block and screen for the blood knights ? I heard black knights suck. 

I personally think it's too risky to try summoning in matched play.Aswell as failing to cast a canny opponent can deny you space to summon into.

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Yesterday i played a match vs Beastclaw Raiders. My opponent's list was something like this:

Huskard on Thundertusk x1

Butchers x2

Mournfang Cavalry x4

Icefall Yhetees x9

Ogres x6

Ogres x6

My list was same in this thread consisting of:


VLoZD w/ lance, chalice and shield


40 spear skeletons 

10 sword skeletons 

10 sword skeletons 

5 blood knights

5 blood knights 

6 Spirit Host

200 pts for summoning.

We played the Gifts From the Heavens

I deployed Blood knights in the flanks, 40 skeletons in the center and heroes in the middle nearer to my left flank.

My opponent made a first turn charge with yhetees to my leftwing Blood Knights with so many moves in every phase. He also came very close to my rightwing knights but could not charge them. As my Knights were in 10 of my Ruler of Night general VLoZD, only 2 knights were killed. 
In my first turn i charged with my rightwing knights to his mournfang cav, and in the left flank i charged with my spirit host and skeletons after giving them reroll to hit command ability and VHDM. As yhetees gave -1 to hit to enemy units hitting them spirit host did nothing and their deployment in front of yhetees was a mistake on my part. I attacked first with my knights charging to his Mournfang and killed one base and hurt another. He in response killed 2 knights in the other flank. My buffed uo skeletons killed 2 yhetees but due to his model removal they could not reach them in their second attempt with VHDM. 
My opponent charged with a block of 6 ogres to my rightwing knights all alone without support in my weak right flank. They could only kill 2 of them between Mournfang and ogres, in return my knights killed off a wounded Mournfang. My plan was to kill the faster elements of his army and hold off as long as i can. His general tried to kill the knights fighting with yhetees amd dealt 6 wounds to them. But only 1 knight died due to ruler of the night and also one knight had regenerated in my first hero phase. His yhetees killed another knight, leaving 2 knights on combat. I could not do anything in return as my skeletons were out of combat. His general stayed awwy combat to deal 6 MW in the distance. He also hold the comet objectives with his backline ogre troops. His butchers could not do anything meaningful. His second 6 strong ogre unit came close to my center line and charged at my summoned direwolves unit acting as roadblock.
In my phase comet landed at my center near to his centerline 6 ogres. I regerenated again my beaten knights in my both flanks. I buffed my centerline skeletons unit with reroll and VHDM and cast mystic shield to spirit host. While my rightwing knights tanked alone, i moved other knights to my center to protect my comet and moved my spirt host in front of his sniping general to act as roadblock or charge him if the next turn passed to me. My general also took a charge position to his 6 ogres in my objective. My buffed up skeletons move in a way to make multi charge to his now alone yhetee unit and 6 ogres:
Now the hero of the day was clearly the skeleton unit as they killed off both of the units with so many rerolled attacks. 12 skeletons made into combat with yhetees and 13 skeletons with ogres. They made 2 (with vanhel) x 3 (more than 30 skeletons in the unit) rerolled attacks per skeleton. They decimated them and VLoZD killed off the last guy. My rightwing knights had one standart bearer after the dust was settled in their side and he was holding 2 units by himself. My opponent conceded after this.
So our knights are very tanky with their very good save, regerenating ability with standart amd hunger rule. Also their shield is golden to enemies without rend. The basic ogres deal 2 damage but have no rend on them. Only the mounts of mournfang. 
Our skeletons are very theeatening with their huge board presence and with right buffs they can decimate everything other than 2+ save units. 
This is where spirit host came into place. They can deal MW to high save units while can tank reliably to high rend low attack models. 
But i think maybe it is better to hold them in reserve and summon them where they are needed. But as they came in threes they loose their tanking ability.
Sorry for the long post.




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Updated list is:



40 Spears

10 sword skeletons 

10 sword skeletons

5 blood knights 

5 blood knights

Then I'm thinking:

2 morghast harbingers 

3 spirit host 

5 dire wolves to help screen

That comes out to 1980. Should I drop Dire wire wolves and add more spirit host? Idea would be to have spirit host be semi screener for blood knights and the archai and ZLOD can fly and hit people in rear. Skeletons are the center with the 40 unit and smaller units grab objectives. 

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This is what I think I will go with let me know if it's pretty solid. I haven't played any AoS games. 



1 cairn wraith

40 Spears

10 sword skeletons 

10 sword skeletons

5 blood knights 

5 blood knighta

3 spirit host

3 spirit host 

5 dire wolves to screen knights

5 dire wolves to help screen


The VLOZD would have ring of immortality and red fury. This is 2k on the dot. 

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I think that if you would start with all those units, you will always loose the deployment game and your opponent will tell you to go first or second dependent to his plan.

So i suggest to keep some of them in summoning, especially the cairn wraith as it has no support role for your army so it is not vital. 

7-8 units at the deployment is a good start imo.

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If you main Death you'll lose deployment everytime anyway so be prepared for that.

Keep a good portion back for summoning depending on what you face. Same with your artefact and trait. If your facing Skaven shooting or teleporting Stormcast then go with Ruler/Ring on the VLoZD for a supremely tanky general. If you want offensive then you could go with the Cloak/Red for crazy fast alpha strike.

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You can instead do a pure soulblight army, where your battleline is blood knight. 



blood knight 2x5

this is the min. Body count and very strong offence build. 

A different offensive buildin in 1k

VLo Abyssal Terror

blood knight 1x5, 1x10 

potential charge on 1st turn.



VLo Abyssal Terror

blood knight 1x10, 2x5

left 300pts. Use for summoning spirit host or skeleton to chaff or grab obj.

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