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AoS Narrative Gaming Campaign Pack

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Games Workshop finally announce a new narrative way of gaming in Age of Sigmar. I created a campaign pack a little while ago and thought I would share in light of this news.

Firstly, this pack is completely free to download, use and distribute. It is intended for wargaming clubs to use to entice new players in. The starting of the campaign is literally on 1 General and 3 additional war scrolls.

It doesn't just stop at wargaming clubs though, you can use it with yourself and a mate or even at a tournament with a few adjustments.

To me, AoS is all about the Hobby and the Narrative, a hobby driven battle makes more sense with this rule set, AoS is meant to played with scenarios and stories, so why not grow your own Warband and see your General rise from an aspiring Champion to a Leader of a vast army or entire faction.

Games initially should only last about 30 minutes and so using the campaign as a demo to new people is very easy. I have added a few extra rules and restrictions to the main AoS rules, mainly just for clarification and to try and stop people from being.. 'That Guy' but the rest is very loose to inspire people to embrace the fact they can choose any model they like from their chosen Alliance and put them with any other model they like from same Alliance.

Please note: Destruction Warscrolls now updated!


So there it is, have fun and let me know how you get on with it and of course, if you spot any mistakes then please leave comment or email me.

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