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Multiple damage weapons




just a quick question, as wording in the rule is not clear for me.


I have unit of ten models, each have 1 wound only:

- it is attacked by enemy with a weapon which causes 2 damage,

- it was hit and wounded,

- i failed save

Question here - I take 2 models off of the board?


I play that way, but asking just to be sure it is the correct way.




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Yes the fyreslayer ones. Or that type of ward saves, fyreslayer, savage orruks, illuminark, warshrine, nurgle resilient, pheonix guard etc..

The ones that reads "every time the unit takes a wound or mortal wound roll a dice and on a 6 the wound is ignored".
Do you roll before or after damage mulipliers. If i get hit by an ogor and fail my regular save, do I roll one or two dice?

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What i am saying, is that it really depends on the warscroll.

Some have saves that get done immediately after a failed save (hit, wound, save, ward, damage), others have it once specific models take wounds (hit, wound, save, damage, ward).

is there a particular warscroll you are thinking about?

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The damage is all applied at the end of the combat. If you are attacked by a unit that has 2 different attacks for example, do the all the attacks of the first weapons profile, do all the relevant damage steps and then just put some wound markers down noting how many wounds have been done, use dice or gems etc. Then do the second weapons attack profile, same again with damage, once its all been multipled out for damage 2, 3, D3, D6 add it to the wounds already done. total it up and then remove the number of models that would have died.

Say you took 7 damage total against a unit of 5 Liberators, you would remove 3 dudes and 1 wound would carry over on to the next model

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12 minutes ago, Dez said:

So saves aren't taken per model and then damage applied to that model? 

For instance, a Stormcast with 2 wounds fails a save and 3 damage are dealt. The extra wound wouldn't disappear, it would be applied to another model?

The damage is being done to the unit, not individual models so 1 Stormcast would die and another in the unit would suffer 1 wound.

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Right - saves are taken by a unit, not by a model.

You'll notice that in the small number of units where some models might have shields and some might not, the rules are set up to still make it work.  For Liberators, for instance, where one guy has a Grandhammer and no shield but the rest of the unit has shields, their shield reroll ability applies "if any models in the unit have a shield".  For Ardboys, where some guys might have shields and some might not, the shield doesn't affect the normal save and instead gives a "ward" save after normal saves are made and damage is allocated.

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So saves aren't taken per model and then damage applied to that model? 

For instance, a Stormcast with 2 wounds fails a save and 3 damage are dealt. The extra wound wouldn't disappear, it would be applied to another model?

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For example,

1 Attack at 2 Damage represents a heavy swing that can smash aside two enemies in one blow, like a scythe.

2 Attacks at 1 Damage represents two fast swings against one enemy each, like a dagger.

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