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The Painting Contract - November 2024

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Hello, hello.... what's going on, what's all this shouting, we'll have no trouble here!

It's time for The Painting Contract for November 2024! November already? What madness is this!? 

The rules, as usual, are:  

- Each month you post a brief summary of what models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be models or terrain for Age of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Underworlds, The Old World, or any other Warhammer-based game. 

- At the end of the month the Contract closes and you can then post your progress images to be critiqued, shared, and boasted about. It's a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration. 

We're not going to do anything drastic, like set the gryph-hounds onto you, if you don't meet your contract. It's just a bit of fun to get the hobby-juices flowing and to have a goal to work towards. 

So, pick up your brush, grab that pot of Skeleton Horde (other paints are available) and keep us updated! 

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After a very busy period of real life, today the postman brought me some new toys I hope to paint this month -

Tzarketh, the new StD limited Ed sorcerer

a Lord of Hubris - I justify him by saying he could be a Chaos Lord with the mark of Slaanesh in my StD army…

and finally, inspired by Space Marine 2, Mr Marneus Calgar - if I actually paint him, this will be my first ever non-Chaotic Space Marine 😎

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I haven't set myself specific goals, because I know I'm not getting much painting time this month. I mean, we're already almost halfway through already! But I'm going to try to get a little bit more work done on the Hellstriders, and maybe start work on my Lord of Hubris - a model that'll be an interesting challenge to paint, being so simple in design. 

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October was not as productive as I hoped. I built the amazon blood bowl team and painted 4 imperial nobility. I also painted some doom with my nephew. In November I want to get through some more of the nobility team and will help my nephew paint his room imps



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3 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Loving the Hubris! I feel inspired to start work on mine! 

Thankyou, he was fun and simple to paint. I find a lot of models nowadays have heaps of details and features where it’s hard to know what they even are - but this guy was great.


Finished off Tzarketh and Calgar today as well. He’s looking a bit worried on my 40k shelf…




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