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Model Names (Warhammer to AOS)

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I am thinking of creating a document that has all the Warhammer models and it's name its name now in AOS, it would also include if it's been discontinued and possibly what Alliance and faction it is in. It would make it easier for some peeps. 

Unless that's already put there, I couldn't find anything. 

If I created it in a Google doc I believe that anyone can edit it and save it but not done it before.

Any ideas welcome.  

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@LunarLizard @Ben I've started editing the base size chart so it covers this off as well.  I added columns for "Army" and "WHFB name" vs "Faction" and "AoS name" - people can then filter and search whichever way that they want.  I've worked through Order for a few hours but will need more help to do the rest


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