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The Raven Host


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Hi all,

I'll use this thread as a painting diary and ideas log for my Age of Sigmar project, The Raven Host. 

The idea (fortuitously developed before stumbling across Warhammer Online) is for a marauder-based Chaos force.  The aim is a "Norsca"-style force that worships a Raven God - imagine Vikings, Raven tattoos, lots of birds etc.  with little or no overt Chaos insignia. 

However, the Raven God worshipped by the tribe is either a manifestation of, or has been corrupted by, Tzeentch.  So the second half of the army is Tzeentch daemons :) 

This will be a slow burn project which I want to do to a high standard of painting, conversion and matching terrain pieces (aka the Steve Foote method). 

For inspiration, I've started an image board :) 



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