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Formations (or Rank and Flank for AoS?)


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I have some friends, and I'm sure we all know someone, who miss rank and flank play.  Personally, I never liked that Rank and Flank was sort of an all or nothing option.  It always seemed odd to me that in old WHFB, unruly orcs, who can barely be kept from killing each other, would march in strict formation and use disciplined maneuvers on the field of battle.  That said, some AoS armies, from a fluff standpoint, should still be doing the old Rank and Flank.  For instance, I've read stuff in the books where the Stormcast line up for a shield wall.

So, my question is, do you think there is a place in AoS for infantry blocks, and if so, how would you execute it? I suppose you could just put them in a block and run them with all the AoS rules.  Nothing stops you from doing this.  But, I'd sort of like them to have some fluffy rules to go with them.

Here's a half baked example of what I'm thinking. (Could have other sorts of formation rules building upon this concept.)

***I just made this up on the fly, and I didn't spend serious time considering it's in-game effects.  My main consideration was to keep the rules short and sweet, keeping in line with current AoS rules.  I'm more interested in finding out if The Grand Alliance Community thinks there is a place for these sort of rules in AoS. 

Formation Type: Phalanx

Requirements: Foot unit, must be equipped with shields.


This formation must be set up with all models in base contact, with at least 5 files (models across), and any number of ranks.  Each row must be filled before a new one can be started.  Movement is in a straight line only.  To change direction, the unit may be reformed with any facing, around it's original center, at a 2 inch penalty.

Shield Wall: Models in this formation lock their shields together to provide better protection to themselves and their comrades.  Models in this formation gain a 5+ ward save.

Combined strength: Part of a phalanx's strength comes from ability of those in the back ranks of the formation to lend their strength and weight to the press of combat in the front.  For every round after the first that a phalanx is engaged in Melee combat, their opponent suffers a -1 modifier to their Battleshock tests for every 2 ranks in the formation.

points: 30.

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I cringe when I see those blocks, be it 8th or 9th edition. Looks horrible and boring. And, as you yourself noted, not very "fluffy" or in line with how I've always imagined the actual fighting on the ground.

However, AoS is a very open system. If you can get some of your friends to try it with a few additions like the one you suggest, go ahead! 

I´ve got a few of the same type of friends. If they at all try AoS they use the old blocks on movement trays and shuffle them about. In a few turns they usually give it up as it´s so immobile and clumsy. 

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8 minutes ago, Ratatatata said:

I cringe when I see those blocks, be it 8th or 9th edition. Looks horrible and boring. And, as you yourself noted, not very "fluffy" or in line with how I've always imagined the actual fighting on the ground.

However, AoS is a very open system. If you can get some of your friends to try it with a few additions like the one you suggest, go ahead! 

I´ve got a few of the same type of friends. If they at all try AoS they use the old blocks on movement trays and shuffle them about. In a few turns they usually give it up as it´s so immobile and clumsy. 

I agree, up to a point.  I mean, formation fighting was a mainstay of many empires throughout history, and was a major reason the armies of Greece and Rome had such an advantage over many 'Barbarian' armies. (In Rome and Sparta's cases, they were also professional soldiers, which can't be discounted either.)  What I hated was that everyone had to do it in WHFB.  But, in a way I miss it, for fluff purposes mainly.  I don't ever want to have to set up a unit of Orukks in a formation like this.  But Stormcast, or Skellies...  Now that's something, specifically with some Stormcast Chambers, it would reflect their disciplined approach to war.  Which is why I would like it as an option, not a blanket rule.

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One of the things that got me to come back to Warhammer was the change away from rank & flank- however, I do like the idea you presented. Especially as a Battalion. The flexibility of how rules can be implemented into AoS is one of my favorite aspects of the system now.

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Too be honest, the game sort of has formations in it now as how you arrange your models on the board dictates how effective they will be as a unit when fighting. Arrange your guys in a block but only have a short range for melee weapons? Well don't get upset when not everybody can fight ;)

It's an interesting idea but I don't think you need it and this would be better as a battalion rule (Duardin spring to mind). Nothing stopping you trying it in your own games if it's what you want to have ;) 

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It's pretty far-fetched but I would like an alternative ruleset for large-scale games of AoS that included formation trays of varying sizes and styles (not just squares and rectangles). I find AoS gets bogged down pretty badly in big battles and is not really made for large-scale affairs. It would require rethinking piling in and whatnot so no small task and I wouldn't expect it, but I do miss the completeness feeling of filling out a formation tray, plus the ease of use in games.

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When I first started playing, I made rules for playing with block units (along with some other old WHFB mechanics) because I wasn't ready for skirmishing yet.  Nowadays I only really use the miscast table, but I've put it up here ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TH_2VHTEHyU1JvWHNnT1I3elE/view?usp=sharing ) for other interested parties.  If you're looking for something more involved, there was also a variant rule-set called Primo Victoria floating around in the early days of AoS.

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