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Help me back into the hobby with a 500 point Seraphon list

Tom Bellamy

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Hi everyone, I have awoken from underneath my rock and want to start a small Lizardman/Seraphon project. I got rid of what I thought was all my Warhammer stuff but have rediscovered some old models I had hidden away. I've got a real old style metal Stegadon, 5 chameleon skinks and a partially complete old style Slann. These models are all unpainted and need a lot of T.L.C! As a fun project I'd like to make the smallest size army I can. I've never played A.O.S but looking online at a free PDF booklet it says you can play a game on a minimum 2 x 2 foot space, so I'm tempted to get back into the hobby fighting it out on my small coffee table - yes I have very limited space!!!

I'm not after the best list in the world, I just want something playable with what I've got at hand. I've been on the warscroll builder and see it shows 750points is the smallest build, but I'm thinking more on the size of 500points for my table size (around the 2 foot x 2 foot size) and my nostalgia of the past when 500points was always your starting small battle size. Anyway, bellow is two separate lists I threw together and I'd be interested to know your thoughts on if they are playable and if the point level is suitable for something on the smallest table size possible. Thanks for reading all this!

List 1

- Leader: Stegadon with Skink Chief 305 points. (Just need to add a chief figure to the Stegadon and paint it up)

- Troops: 5 x Chameleon Skinks 115 points

- Troops: 10 x Skinks 75 points (need to buy these but they just fit in my total)

Total: 495 points.

List 2

- Leader: Slann Starmaster 285 points (bit of conversion needed to make him fly-able and a complete model!)

- Troops: 10 x Saurus Warriors 105 points (need to buy)

- Troops: 10 x Saurus Warriors 105 points (need to buy) or swap for 5 x Saurus Guard to protect the Slann - yes I know it would put me 5 points over my 500 point cap!

Total: 495 points.

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18 hours ago, Tom Bellamy said:

Hi everyone, I have awoken from underneath my rock and want to start a small Lizardman/Seraphon project. I got rid of what I thought was all my Warhammer stuff but have rediscovered some old models I had hidden away. I've got a real old style metal Stegadon, 5 chameleon skinks and a partially complete old style Slann. These models are all unpainted and need a lot of T.L.C! As a fun project I'd like to make the smallest size army I can. I've never played A.O.S but looking online at a free PDF booklet it says you can play a game on a minimum 2 x 2 foot space, so I'm tempted to get back into the hobby fighting it out on my small coffee table - yes I have very limited space!!!

I'm not after the best list in the world, I just want something playable with what I've got at hand. I've been on the warscroll builder and see it shows 750points is the smallest build, but I'm thinking more on the size of 500points for my table size (around the 2 foot x 2 foot size) and my nostalgia of the past when 500points was always your starting small battle size. Anyway, bellow is two separate lists I threw together and I'd be interested to know your thoughts on if they are playable and if the point level is suitable for something on the smallest table size possible. Thanks for reading all this!

List 1

- Leader: Stegadon with Skink Chief 305 points. (Just need to add a chief figure to the Stegadon and paint it up)

- Troops: 5 x Chameleon Skinks 115 points

- Troops: 10 x Skinks 75 points (need to buy these but they just fit in my total)

Total: 495 points.

List 2

- Leader: Slann Starmaster 285 points (bit of conversion needed to make him fly-able and a complete model!)

- Troops: 10 x Saurus Warriors 105 points (need to buy)

- Troops: 10 x Saurus Warriors 105 points (need to buy) or swap for 5 x Saurus Guard to protect the Slann - yes I know it would put me 5 points over my 500 point cap!

Total: 495 points.

I would just go with the stuff you prefer.

Personally the models and how they play is something you really have to enjoy, unless you are really interested in winning most games, in this case I might not be the right person as my tournament domain army would be the skaven and sadly not the seraphon.

For example I am a big fan of the of saurus and would probably start  with something like this:

Army Faction: Seraphon
    - Army Type: Coalesced
    - Army Subfaction: Thunder Lizard


1 x Saurus Oldblood (120)


5 x Saurus Guard (115)
    - Stardrake Icon Bearer
    - Wardrummer
    - Saurus Guard Alpha

10 x Saurus Warriors (105)
    - Stardrake Icon Bearer
    - Wardrummer
    - Saurus Warrior Alpha
    - Celestite Club and Powerful Jaws


1 x Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek (165)

TOTAL POINTS: (505/2000)

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

personally that is me, and I really wouldn’t suggest you using the list I wrote since I’m pretty much aware that some, if not all of the given models are currently terrible in the game😂.

personally I just like the idea of having a saurus only army

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10 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I would just go with the stuff you prefer.

Personally the models and how they play is something you really have to enjoy, unless you are really interested in winning most games, in this case I might not be the right person as my tournament domain army would be the skaven and sadly not the seraphon.

For example I am a big fan of the of saurus and would probably start  with something like this:

Army Faction: Seraphon
    - Army Type: Coalesced
    - Army Subfaction: Thunder Lizard


1 x Saurus Oldblood (120)


5 x Saurus Guard (115)
    - Stardrake Icon Bearer
    - Wardrummer
    - Saurus Guard Alpha

10 x Saurus Warriors (105)
    - Stardrake Icon Bearer
    - Wardrummer
    - Saurus Warrior Alpha
    - Celestite Club and Powerful Jaws


1 x Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek (165)

TOTAL POINTS: (505/2000)

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

personally that is me, and I really wouldn’t suggest you using the list I wrote since I’m pretty much aware that some, if not all of the given models are currently terrible in the game😂.

personally I just like the idea of having a saurus only army

Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it! Funnily enough, back in the day I used to have a skaven army. When I found the old lizardmen miniatures I still had an old metal warp fire thrower team in the box as well. 

I know this is going off topic but would you mind giving me a 500point skaven starter list to throw against the seraphon? 

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13 hours ago, Tom Bellamy said:

Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it! Funnily enough, back in the day I used to have a skaven army. When I found the old lizardmen miniatures I still had an old metal warp fire thrower team in the box as well. 

I know this is going off topic but would you mind giving me a 500point skaven starter list to throw against the seraphon? 

Certainly mate:

we have a verminus clan list:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: None Chosen
- Triumphs: 

Clawlord (110)

10 x Stormvermin (135)
- Halberd & Shield
20 x Clanrats (100)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (100)
- Rusty Blade

Total: 445 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 55
Drops: 4

the clan skryre list without stormfiends:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: 
- Triumphs: 

Warlock Engineer (105)

20 x Clanrats (100)
- Rusty Blade

1 x Doomwheel (165)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)

Total: 500 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 39
Drops: 5

The clan moulder list:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: 
- Triumphs: 

Master Moulder (90)

2 x Rat Ogors (140)

Hell Pit Abomination (245)

Total: 475 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 31
Drops: 3

clan eshin list without the verminlord:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: 
- Triumphs: 

Deathmaster (145)

10 x Night Runners (90)
5 x Gutter Runners (105)

10 x Night Runners (90)
1 x Warp-Grinder (65)

Total: 495 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 33
Drops: 5

and clan pestilence:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: 
- Triumphs: 

Plague Priest (100)

20 x Plague Monks (180)
- Foetid Blades
- Reinforced x 1
5 x Plague Censer Bearers (90)

5 x Plague Censer Bearers (90)

Total: 460 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 45
Drops: 4

and then there are the possibility to mix the different clans, the combination are unlimited so go nuts.

ps: personally as a thought, I ignored any competitive list as this is probably not the size you’d want to start with such thoughts.

so here are a few ideas I had.

personally I tried to ignore any of the hero on monsters or monstrous hero types. So if those are the models you want to use, that is still possible what will chance the amount of units you can take significantly 


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On 12/31/2022 at 9:10 AM, Skreech Verminking said:

Certainly mate:

we have a verminus clan list:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: None Chosen
- Triumphs: 

Clawlord (110)

10 x Stormvermin (135)
- Halberd & Shield
20 x Clanrats (100)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (100)
- Rusty Blade

Total: 445 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 55
Drops: 4

the clan skryre list without stormfiends:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: 
- Triumphs: 

Warlock Engineer (105)

20 x Clanrats (100)
- Rusty Blade

1 x Doomwheel (165)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)

Total: 500 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 39
Drops: 5

The clan moulder list:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: 
- Triumphs: 

Master Moulder (90)

2 x Rat Ogors (140)

Hell Pit Abomination (245)

Total: 475 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 31
Drops: 3

clan eshin list without the verminlord:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: 
- Triumphs: 

Deathmaster (145)

10 x Night Runners (90)
5 x Gutter Runners (105)

10 x Night Runners (90)
1 x Warp-Grinder (65)

Total: 495 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 33
Drops: 5

and clan pestilence:

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: 
- Triumphs: 

Plague Priest (100)

20 x Plague Monks (180)
- Foetid Blades
- Reinforced x 1
5 x Plague Censer Bearers (90)

5 x Plague Censer Bearers (90)

Total: 460 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 45
Drops: 4

and then there are the possibility to mix the different clans, the combination are unlimited so go nuts.

ps: personally as a thought, I ignored any competitive list as this is probably not the size you’d want to start with such thoughts.

so here are a few ideas I had.

personally I tried to ignore any of the hero on monsters or monstrous hero types. So if those are the models you want to use, that is still possible what will chance the amount of units you can take significantly 


Thanks for all the lists I was only expecting you to do one for Skaven! I think I might switch focus and build a little Skaven warband first as the lists you've made look quite fun. I might go for your Eshin list as it fits the theme of a small hit n run assassin force that's perfect for a really small battle. Got to admit I'm sort of tempted to do a little warband for all the clans now, but I'm going to focus on doing just one to get back in the hobby. I think i'll keep Seraphon as my second group so i've got another another little 500 point force to pitch against them (ill decide on a list for them once i've got the rats together!) Again, thanks for your help as i've been out of the hobby along time.

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