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Seeking Advice: Units (ideally human units) to round out my CoS army.


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I fell away from WHFB just before End Times started, and now that AoS is starting to get really good I'm excited to get back into it. I always regretted not starting an Empire army back in the day, and I have an abundance of Dark Elf models with some random High Elf and Wood Elf stuff, so now seems like the perfect time to lean hard into Cities of Sigmar, staring with my aelves and adding on some empire or even dwarven stuff.

Here's what I already own. What CoS units are the first things I should pick up to fill in any deficiencies or missing roles? I'd like to focus on Freeguild / Ironweld/ Collegiate Arcane / other old "Empire" stuff if I can.

  • Dark Elves

    • 1 Black Dragon with swappable characters (Dreadlord/Sorceress)

    • 1 Black Ark Fleetmaster

    • 3 Supreme/Sorceresses on foot

    • 2 Assassins

      • Many* Dreadspears

    • Many* Darkshards

    • 16 Corsairs\

    • 5 Dark Riders

    • 10-12 Drakespawn Knights

    • Many* Black Guard

    • ~15 Executioners

    • 5 Shades (Counts-as for Shadow Warriors?)

    • 2 War Hydras

  • High Elves:

    • 2 High Elf Princes on Griffons (Counts-as for Freeguild General on Griffon?)

    • 2 High Elf Mages (Battle Wizards?)

    • Many* High Elf Archers (Counts-as for Sisters of the Watch?)

    • 20 Lothern Sea Guard (Count-as for Sisters of the Watch? More corsairs?)

    • 20 Sword Masters (Counts-as for Wildwood Rangers? Freeguild Greatswords?)

    • ~20 Phoenix Guard

    • 10 Ellyrian Reavers (Counts-as for Sisters of the Thorn? More Dark Riders?)

    • 5-10 Dragon Princes (Count-as Wild Riders? More Drakespawn Knights?)

  • Wood Elves:

    • I think I may also have 5-10 Wild Riders lying around somewhere.

*Many = At least enough for 1 large unit or 2 small units in WHFB, probably enough to field 2 or maybe even 3 units in AoS.

Other DE models I have that probably have no use in CoS: 3 Masters/Dreadlords on foot, 1 Master/Dreadlord on Cold One, 1 BSB on foot, 1 BSB on Cold One, 1 Supreme/Sorceress on Cold One, 2 Repeater Bold Throwers, A bunch of Khainite stuff that's part of the Daughters of Khaine faction now.

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If you want stuff for a modeling purpose:


General on Griffin


Celestian hurricanum

These are good models with a high chance of being removed. Warmage are also decent (but covered by the Griffin and Hurricanum).

Freeguild Guard, Handgunners and General on foot also exist as do Fanatics, but they are not good.

From a longevity perspective it is hard to make recommendations, because so much of the range is on the cusp of being dumped.

There are non-AoS recommendations as well, Skitarii Rangers with a headswap and minor filling make excellent handgunners, and Cawdor Necromunda models are quite useful as well.

For non-GW, you can't go wrong with Frostgrave Soldiers and Wizards 1 and 2, but would need muskets if you want handgunners.

Edited by zilberfrid
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On 12/16/2022 at 7:07 PM, Gilles.of.Augustine said:


  • High Elves:

    • 2 High Elf Princes on Griffons (Counts-as for Freeguild General on Griffon?)

    • 2 High Elf Mages (Battle Wizards?)

    • Many* High Elf Archers (Counts-as for Sisters of the Watch?)

    • 20 Lothern Sea Guard (Count-as for Sisters of the Watch? More corsairs?)

    • 20 Sword Masters (Counts-as for Wildwood Rangers? Freeguild Greatswords?)

    • ~20 Phoenix Guard

    • 10 Ellyrian Reavers (Counts-as for Sisters of the Thorn? More Dark Riders?)

    • 5-10 Dragon Princes (Count-as Wild Riders? More Drakespawn Knights?)

If you're asking what would best count as these things I would say:

- Freeguild General on Griffon sounds good, although if those models are ones that I think they are they might be somewhat small compared to the Karl Franz general on griffon model. Maybe consider Fulminators, although they cannot fly.

- Battle wizard or Sorceress.

- Darkshards.  Or Crossbowmen, but with Darkshards they keep their elven speed.

- There's not really a ranged unit that is also a somewhat good melee defender (maybe Irondrakes, but then why are those elves so slow?) but I would say Corsairs are the closest.

- Swordmasters still have a warscroll in Warhammer Legends, otherwise I would say Executioners.

- Phoenix Guard are still what they are.

- Could be Dark Riders, although I think that's a useless unit. Maybe Outriders.

- These too have a warscroll in Legends (called Dragonblades), otherwise I'd say Demigryph Knights if you want them to be really kickass, or Drakespawn Knights if you want them to be a bit less kickass. But Wild Riders I think are too fragile to be represented by Dragon Princes (and also useless).

Edited by Barbarian Borelord
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/17/2022 at 4:26 AM, zilberfrid said:

If you want stuff for a modeling purpose:


General on Griffin


Celestian hurricanum

These are good models with a high chance of being removed. Warmage are also decent (but covered by the Griffin and Hurricanum).

Freeguild Guard, Handgunners and General on foot also exist as do Fanatics, but they are not good.

From a longevity perspective it is hard to make recommendations, because so much of the range is on the cusp of being dumped.

There are non-AoS recommendations as well, Skitarii Rangers with a headswap and minor filling make excellent handgunners, and Cawdor Necromunda models are quite useful as well.

For non-GW, you can't go wrong with Frostgrave Soldiers and Wizards 1 and 2, but would need muskets if you want handgunners.

This was very useful information!

I wouldn't have thought the Demigryphs or the Hurricanum would have a high chance of being removed, so they've moved up the queue in my buy list as a result.

Thank you!

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