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💀 Warcry Morale House Rules 💀


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Been toying with this, would be grateful for anyone sharing any glaring issues they might find in here and any ideas of their own;
Half-Strength Fighters and Warbands
A fighter is considered at half-strength when they have suffered an ammount of damage equal to half or more of their wounds characteristic. A warband is considered at half-strength if half or more of its starting number of fighters have been taken out of action and removed from play.
Morale Checks and Panic
At the very start of a fighter's activation, check if any of the following conditions are satisfied, and if so, that fighter must take a morale check at the start of that activation before making any actions. ‌
  • The fighter is at half-strength. ‌
  • The fighter is panicked. ‌
  • The fighter's warband is at half-strength. ‌
  • Half or more of the remaining fighters in the fighter's warband are panicked. ‌
  • The fighter's warband has no Leader on the battlefield. ‌
  • The fighter's Leader is panicked.
To take a morale check, roll a D6. If the fighter isn't panicked, the test is passed on a 3+ and nothing happens. If the fighter is panicked, the test is passed on a 5+ and the fighter ceases to be panicked. In any case if the test fails, the fighter becomes panicked if it wasn't already. Place a «Panic» token next to the fighter when it becomes panicked.
Panicked Fighters
A fighter that is panicked must perform the «Flee» action twice during its activation and cannot make any other actions, make reactions, use any abilities, or count toward the number of fighters that control an objective. A fighter which becomes panicked immediately drops any treasure tokens it might hold.
Flee (Action)
A fighter that makes a flee action moves with the following restrictions; The fighter must move by the shortest way possible and as far as it possibly can directly towards the closest visible friendly fighter which isn't panicked or closest visible battlefield edge, whichever is closest, only changing course by the minimum required amount as to avoid obstacles. A fighter cannot move closer to any visible enemy fighters during this move and must move as far away as it can from any visible enemy fighters if at all possible. If a fighter cannot move without breaking any of these restrictions then it simply doesn't move, but will still count as making this action twice. If a fighter moves into contact with the battlefield’s edge due to a flee action, the fighter flees off the battlefield and is removed from play.
Rally (Action)
A Leader may make this action if they are further away than 1’’ from any visible enemy fighters. This action can only be made once per activation. When a Leader makes this action, pick any ammount of friendly panicked fighters which are within 6" and visible to the Leader and further than 1" from any enemy fighters visible to them or to the Leader. Then, make a morale check for each of these panicked fighters. If their morale check is passed they cease to be panicked.
Follow the Leader
If a fighter's Leader is visible to them, within 6" and not panicked, then that fighter gains a +1 bonus to its Morale Check rolls. Additionally, a Leader passes its Morale Checks on a roll of 2+ when not panicked and on a roll of 4+ when panicked.
Chain of Command
When your Leader is taken out of action and removed from play or when a friendly Hero or Champion arrives on the battlefield while you have no Leader on the battlefield, you may immediately pick a friendly Hero or Champion on the battlefield which isn't panicked to become your new Leader for the remainder of the battle.
Rout and Pursue
At the end of every round, players check if any of the following conditions are satisfied, and if so, they may choose to declare that they will rout. ‌
  • The player's warband is at half-strength. ‌
  • Half or more of the remaining fighters in the player's warband are panicked. ‌
  • The player's Leader is panicked. ‌
  • The player's warband has no Leader on the battlefield.
When a player declares they will rout, their opponent may then choose to declare that they will pursue. If their opponent doesn't pursue then all of the routing player's remaining fighters count as having fled off the battlefield (see the "Flee" action above) and been removed from play, the battle ends and their opponent is automatically declared the winner regardless of victory points. If their opponent chooses to pursue then the battle simply keeps going. If any of the rout conditions are satisfied for both players, then players roll off and the winner picks which player may declare a rout first. A player that declares they will pursue cannot then declare they will rout in the same round, nor can a player declare they will rout then declare they will pursue in the same round.
Edited by Pyreshard
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