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Nightwars help!


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Well I undertook my second pillage mission today after deciding to hunt Kritzka first.

First mission went ok not too much real peril until the last turn. At first I thought Kritza's level 1 power wouldn't have much impact but my god it did! The mission actually took 4 hours as I was constantly checking rules and how new synergies work. For those who aren't aware of Kritza's powers imagine playing a deliverence mission but constantly with 4 hostile groups!

That's what happened a few room explores in and you have to constantly think on your toes as hostile groups will be coming through lychgates way more frequently than when I was playing deliverence missions. After a while though because of the power I'd locked in 4 groups that included rats or Ulfenwatch so it became a bit easier as the journey went on. One of the group's due to model availability was only 2 rats and that is permanent in a pillage!

Game two feeling good, selected a couple of different heroes with Brutogg and Qalathis still on level 4 . All went south very quickly. Locked in a group that was a bloodborne accompanied by 3 Ulfenwatch and 3 zombies. The main issue I had though was damage dealing. My level 5 Jelsen and level 5 Glaurio have some complementary empowerments and I can get some good damage dealt with them.

In the last pillage I took (randomly selected) Jelsen , Cleona, Emelda and Dagnai, arguably my best 4 heroes. I always found Qalathis hard to use but for a few levels an inspired Qalathis can do good trigger damage with her unique ability. She's the hardest in my mind to get inspired in the first place due to low chance of high damage but shes now suffering from the issue I've had with Brutogg and Octren and that's reliably killing enemies with one dice. 

I've had a look at the new empowerments but I can't really see a load out that's going to fix these three. They've all struggled since level 4 for me. I'm half thinking due to Nightwars and level 5s  difficulty to finally stop trying to level them all up randomly and just stick with the 5 I'm doing well with. Although that disappoints me a little as I've enjoyed leveling up all 8!

Anyone got any tips for a good load out for Octren, Brutogg and Qalathis? I have so much success with inspired Dagnai and Emelda running around with the empowerment that converts run(3+) back into 1s. Jelsen with the one that lets him use Judgment and Remorsless killer twice a turn as really took him up a notch. Cleona is always strong with the meteor strike, dice manipulation and reliable stunning and cursing. Glaurio I've found has been amazing since level 4 and I've learnt to use the Blades traits better now. I might revisit Ulfenkarn in peril just to level up to 5 for the two remaing as that extra days ce will be good for Qalathis on attack rolls.

Nightwars is hard. I failed this last mission and after struggling through a few rooms and then the beast showing up and finishing me off. Need to be able to mulch through these hordes quicker and reliably!


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