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DoK Top Tier/OP?

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So at this point I am basically looking for some insight. I play Fyreslayers/KO and one of the members of our play group plays DOK and loses a LOT more often than winning. 

We keep seeing a lot of talk online that DOK is the top dog of 3.0 along with Nurgle/Nighthaunt, and we are trying to help said member improve their playstyle/army a bit. 

What specifically is making DoK dominate in your opinion? Is it the ease of achieving the Battle Tactics/Grand Strategy? Snakes+Morathi?  

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What sort of list do they play? Fyreslayers can be a very effective counter to melee-heavy DoK because of the fights first, especially without Morathi since nothing else in the book can really survive being hit first. 

DoK are strong in a tournament setting because they typically start on a higher points value than everyone else because of the GS/BT list. But that's particular to a tournament setting in a lot of ways, it doesn't necessarily translate to more casual games between more casual players. And the new book is significantly less forgiving than the old book - you can't just yeet your army up the board and rely on a bunch of rerolled wards to keep you alive due to sheer math. It's become more of a finesse army that is less easy to play than it used to be. 


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5 hours ago, Lord Veshnakar said:

So at this point I am basically looking for some insight. I play Fyreslayers/KO and one of the members of our play group plays DOK and loses a LOT more often than winning. 

We keep seeing a lot of talk online that DOK is the top dog of 3.0 along with Nurgle/Nighthaunt, and we are trying to help said member improve their playstyle/army a bit. 

What specifically is making DoK dominate in your opinion? Is it the ease of achieving the Battle Tactics/Grand Strategy? Snakes+Morathi?  

FS and KO are winning events just as much as DoK are from what I can see. DoK yes are winning more games over all but its close enough that you should have balanced games, the problem is that not every unit is equal and you might need to play with something you normally are not, like Purple Sun in your Jar.

Edited by Maddpainting
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3 hours ago, Maddpainting said:

FS and KO are winning events just as much as DoK are from what I can see. DoK yes are winning more games over all but its close enough that you should have balanced games, the problem is that not every unit is equal and you might need to play with something you normally are not, like Purple Sun in your Jar.

There are about 9 in our group, all kinds of different armies. I play Fyreslayers main with KO allies, so no spells in bottles for me! We are mostly trying to help out a friend to understand some better lists/builds/strats. I read Zainthar Kai snake builds are doing really well. Just curious of what has people shouting that they are too strong so we can pass the word along.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think DOK's power comes down to the following;

Morathi (Big) is fast, slaps in melee and cant be insta-killed.

Bow Snakes shooting twice per turn.

Spear snakes and witch elves moving super fast and blending anything they touch.

Bloodwrack Viper is an amazing endless spell, Iron Heart of Fury a very strong invocation.

Kinerai threatening objectives and weak support heroes.

Tons of free/automatic buffs that every other army has to work hard for.

Strong spell & prayer lore.

Access to 5+ rally.

Access to 5+ ward.

Access to battle tactics with bonus VP.

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