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Proxy/Alt Army: Witch Hunters

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So I recently wrapped up my fourth Warhammer army (3 AoS and 1 40K). I’ve built all my armies for play purposes and have learned a fair bit about the hobby side, but have yet to really delve into the kitbash/mod/3D printing side.

I’ve seen so many cool “conversion” armies, such as Seraphon Tau or Goblin KO.

I would like to take a shot at making one of these conversion armies of my own, and I’d really love a “Witch Hunter” themed army. I realize it’s a bit hard to pad out a whole army on the theme, but I’m thinking something a bit more elite with things like peasant mobs or ranger/hunter types.

Any thoughts on where to begin with something like this? Which army do you think would work well as the “rule set”?

Any suggestions on models to use or convert, or 3D files to look for? This is going to more of a passion project as opposed to a tournament build, so I’m open to 3rd party options for this army.

Any insight would be appreciated!

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Kharadron might not be a bad pick. Narr especially.

Some antimagic stuff, none of their own magic, and steampunky contraptions to get to their prey. Also reasonable in headcount.

Fyreslayers might also be a pick, with war altar instead of magmadroth. They have more priests.

Edited by zilberfrid
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Id imagine kruleboyz "big yellers" sub faction would work well. 

Gives you crossbow battleline in the Boltboyz

Gives you a small "peasant mob" in the hobgrots. Can even say they're throwing "torches" instead of bombs. 

Their magic could be portrayed as alchemical with potions, fog, etc. Foot "alchemists" even get a "animal companion" or "familiar" in the pot grot and stab grot. 

They have a big ballista option. 

Could proxy the killboss on gnashtoof as a "chariot" as its quite big for human scale. All other mounts give plenty of proxy options. The mirebrute could be some fantasy witch hunting automaton or alchemical golem. 



🤔 Yep, definitely Kruleboyz. heh. 


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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Id imagine kruleboyz "big yellers" sub faction would work well. 

Gives you crossbow battleline in the Boltboyz

Gives you a small "peasant mob" in the hobgrots. Can even say they're throwing "torches" instead of bombs. 


I think this is great. When doing themed armies, I think it's important to make sure everything is pretty obvious what it is. One good way to do that is to take fewer warscrolls. If you only have 3-4 different units on the board, it's easier for opponents to remember what's what.

Of course, you could also do a Cities army and use some of the actual Witch Hunters. Make witch hunter champions for your human units, flaggellants are a good fit as-is, add witch hunter hats to pistoliers, etc.

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5 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

Id imagine kruleboyz "big yellers" sub faction would work well. 

Gives you crossbow battleline in the Boltboyz

Gives you a small "peasant mob" in the hobgrots. Can even say they're throwing "torches" instead of bombs. 

Their magic could be portrayed as alchemical with potions, fog, etc. Foot "alchemists" even get a "animal companion" or "familiar" in the pot grot and stab grot. 

They have a big ballista option. 

Could proxy the killboss on gnashtoof as a "chariot" as its quite big for human scale. All other mounts give plenty of proxy options. The mirebrute could be some fantasy witch hunting automaton or alchemical golem. 



🤔 Yep, definitely Kruleboyz. heh. 


I think this is a fantastic idea. Going through the traits it seems like it all pretty much fits thematically with an inquisition/Witch Hunter style:

Venom-Encrusted Weapons -> poisoned weapons

Kruelboyz Waagh! —> could work as a coordinated attack/hunt ability

Noisy Racket re-themed as the enemy tired from being hunted down

Lethal Surprise is basically traps in the wilderness

Disappearing Act could be interpreted as distracting/misleading the enemy before the battle starts, or decoys or something like that

Covered In Mud is basically camouflage 

I think your ideas about models is good too. And overall the playstyle of a sneaky, primarily ranged army (but with some melee) could really fit the theme.



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  • 1 month later...

I’ve actually built a Witch Hunter army. I used Cities as you can use a lot of the options there unchanged and the wide variety of allies and coalition units mean you can build anything you want.

I expanded the idea of the army to include Holy Warriors, Professional Soldiers and Pop Culture guests. 

There’s the official Order of Azyr models like the Ven Densts and Hexbanes Hunters. Alongside Stormcast Sequitors for their robed Palladin look. 

My general unit of Witch Hunters use Shadow Warrior rules. I use old Mordheim Sisters of Sigmar as Hammerers. RunePriests become Warrior Priests. Luminark becomes a Shrine of Sigmar. 

I’ve got a Dante (from Devil May Cry series) that uses Brokk Grungisson from the Arkonauts profile; Trevor Belmont and Sypha (from Castlevania) that use the rules for Ellania and Ellathor from the Lumineth; Vampire Hunter D who I’ve not decided on best represents him rules wise..

I want to build some Mobile Shrines carried on Steam Tanks next

3d printing, kit bashing and 3rd party will be your friends.
Its a really cool theme with quite a bit you can do with it if you get creative!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm also starting out with a witch hunter army. I bought Hexbanes Hunters and the Van Densts just because I thought it would look great round the board for my cursed city games!

Then actually putting them all together with Jensen Darrick and the little hounds I thought do I ?!

Not sure what to use. Flagellants and preists are still available but not a fan of the models as such now (although could see a centre peice model with them all. I like the dynamic look of these new witch hunters and like the thought of there being elite witch hunter captains like Darrok, Galen van Denst and Hexbane. Mid level ones like Doloria and the woman from the warband and then the others like the crossbowmen and the big dude. They all feel more elite than a zealot.

I've seen some great looking models on Etsy but not sure of scale. What else could we add? Ive seen some great conversions using Cawdor and redemptionists to make some zealots. What about war machines to support? Where can I get more doggos!

@Hamicron do you have a few more photos please !?


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/16/2022 at 9:12 PM, CDM said:

@Hamicron do you have a few more photos please !?


@CDM Ask and you shall receive (a few weeks later haha). Forgive the photos don’t have a proper light box for photos.

I have English Civil War soldiers for my professional Handgunners led by some old Confrontation sharpshooters.

Mordheim Sisters of Sigmar as Hammerers.

War Altar as the Luminarch.

The assorted Witch Hunters I use as Shadow Warriors (No one expects the Azyrite Inqusition!)

The pair are Trevor Belmont and Sypha from Castlevania using the rules for the Elven Lumineth Twins. 
The Witch Hunters with the oversized weapons led by the Ogre are Khadaron Thunderers. 
The Red Coated, Dual Wielding Anime Badass TM is using the rules for Brokk Grungson

and then the Sequitors as they look the part of Crusading types from the Stormcast range. 

I think I’ll be repainting the Phoenix in red flames at some point as I made a concession to competitive play running it as a frostheart.  Tried to paint it so it looked like it’s so hot it’s blue flame but not really feeling it












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GW have been nailing the Witch Hunter aesthetic recently, between the ven Denst's, Hexbane's Hunters and the guy from Cursed City, there are enough for a really nice looking warband. 

I'm not sure how they could expand them into a full army, but this sort of thing would be perfect for a KillTeamesque game. I get that Warcry is sort of that, but it's focus on chaos warbands doesn't seem to be as open as Killteam to making small teams of themed warriors. Underworlds does seem to do a better job of unique minis that don't have to fit into a larger army. 

Whatever happened to AoS Skirmish? Or a refresh Mordheim, seeing as how well Necromunda refresh is going for GW?



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Yeah I’d certainly like to see a Warcry warband for the Order of Azyr, as well as it expanding away from mainly just chaos. 

Im also hoping the Dawnbringer Crusades/Cities of Sigmar update nails the look and feel of a mortal society trying to survive these harsh conditions through ingenuity, faith and grit.

Thanks @Sharkbelly for the kind words. 

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