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Top #3 kits you'd like to see updated.

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Just a fun little discussion while we wait for the space nerds to run through their hot newness. 

Throw down top #3 existing kits and maybe a brief description on what you'd like to see with a new kit. 

1: Grave Guard

Its had a good run but compared to the new skellies its really showing its age and scale. Id like a sword and board, two handed, and ranged option. 

2: Fellwater Troggoths 

This kit is great!... then you see these new trogg kits and I just laugh at how derpy these are. Not in a good way mind you. Id just appreciate a reimagining of these stinkers. 

3: Bestigors

Not a bad kit at all but upon seeing the Underworlds warband and the one in the spire tyrants kit, yes please. Much with most of the beastmen range this could use the update love. Pssst, Gdubs, as soon as you do I'll start picking up these models. 

Just 3 of my tops. 

Whats yours?

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#1 - Grave Guard

Before even clicking on the thread, I knew in my heart that those guys had to be number one. After all the worst sculpts in Soulblight Gravelords got updated (before, Direwolves would definitely have been at the top of the list), these guys just stick out like a sore thumb in an otherwise great looking army. From the wonky proportions to the terrible weapon design, they are just not a good lookjng kit.

#2 - Freeguild Handgunners

One of the worst kits GW still produces. The Freeguild Guard kit might actually be worse, but the Handgunners are the unit I actually want to run in my lists but keep putting off getting because they just look so bad in their weird onesies and with their unnatural poses. And I actually like a lot nof the other existing Freeguild kits, like Greatswords and Outriders!

#3 - Gutter Runners

I had to think about it because there are a few other armies with some garbo sculpts in them, like Beasts and Seraphon. But Gutter Runners take my final slot for just looking embarrassing.

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#1 chaos marauders

I'd like to see them stay as a box of 20 with an assortment of different weapons. I'd be super happy if their warscroll was simplified to a single weapon but they kept a bunch of options just to make the unit look varied and interesting. 

#2 bloodletters

They're not terrible overall, but the heads are a little weird and there's a miserable gap on most of the unit that needs some green stuff work to not stick out like a sore thumb. I'd love to see the hellblades go back to being axes like the previous generation. 

#3 bloodthirster

Ok to be clear this is an absolutely gorgeous kit and I love it, but if you line it up beside the other greater daemons while ignoring the wings he's just... Tiny. Like a 4'11 linebacker. Honestly keep it exactly the same but scale up the body 50% or so and you'd be golden. 





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Ok i just remembered something. When i started this completely eluded me. My ultimate numero uno is...

1: Ardboyz. 

The kit is iconic, powerful, intimidating, beautiful, prime example that has embedded its look into history!! 

It's just time to go!!

Make way for Ardboy Murknob Kruleboyz.

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****** rat ogres god dam. They are the worst kit in the range and they didn't even look good in 6th edition. Even saurus knights and night runners look better than these guys and that is really saying something. Further they can't be readily converted unlike a number of others I could list (runners, varghulf, grave guard) or simply ignored as they aren't essential or even viable anyway (saurus knights, half the Beastmen roster). A Clans Moulder list simply needs these guys and Island of Blood unfortunately remains OOP.

Freeguild guard/shooters lumping these together since they are really different equipment on the same base model. They are ok models but they don't mesh with the AoS aesthetic, despite being the archetype for 'human soldiers of the realms'. Fortunately GW has already announced this is in the works.

Skryre acolytes. There are a lot of other models I considered putting here but these guys won out. Not because of looks as they have aged reasonably well but because it is not financially viable to use them. These guys literally cost $1 per point, and that just does not work. This would be one thing if they were some support unit but a Clans Skyre army isn't really viable because this unit is basically unusual due to impracticality.


As a Skaven player I will admit to some bias here, but I will also say that GW has very clearly made out single-Clan armies to be a thing that exists quite commonly in the fluff and something that supposedly should work on the tabletop.

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3) varghulf, it's actually a nice model but it's the last resin model in all of death, so its time has come.

2) chaos dwarf iron daemon. Phenomenal model now sadly out of production, but I want loads of weapon options on a new plastic version so that I can convert a whole fleet of evil doom trains!

1) and while I'm being cheeky and mentiing oop stuff... Tomb Kings necrosphynx! Come on gw, you know you want to!


Bonus,bring back the dread maw as a new plastc beasty for necromunda ash wastes. I mean it writes itself right?

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Yeah, I honestly can’t stop at kits.

Dead stop, anything before End Times needs a Lumineth level make-over & overhaul.(yeah it’ll stink at first to reset the current old large lines back to rosters which are 7 units and 7 heroes but AoS needs that foundation to finally build up from.)

1. Out with the human pajama party and make proper heavily armored humans with enough glowey weapons, steampunk tech and ensorcelled trinkets on them to tell you they come from a magical realm.

2. Seraphon need an roster overhaul but design-wise just give them a glow-up with better looks and plenty of magic crystals & smooth sci-fi armor like the Starblood Warband for those sweet Stargate vibes.

3. Skaven….anything that looks like it’s coming to steal your bananas take it behind a shed.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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I have a question that this thread might be a fitting place for.

The kits people are mentioning here were already present ~18 years ago when i first got into Warhammer, and yet they still havent been updated. My question is, if GW is a miniatures company first as people say, why do they seemingly just refuse to update certain antiquated kits? Shouldnt that be the first thing theyd be looking to do? I am genuinely curious.

Edited by JackOfBlades
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@JackOfBlades Tis a good question I myself have no answer to but also ponder. 

Some say well GW updates what sells so thats why stormcast, space marines are continuously updated and added to. I'm of the mindset that those "sell well" factions are indeed so profitable because they are continuously giving so much attention. I firmly believe that if they were to evenly spread out attention then others would sell just as much if not more than these poster boys.

I also dont understand why we do not see upgrade sprues like in Necromunda. This would be a fantastic way add new units and options. 

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This is not based on the kits that most need an update in my opinion but the ones I would personally want updated for my own selfish reasons! I am also not going to mention resin kits as I would like them all updated even with they look great.

1. Marauders: if this classic unit does not disappear in the future in favour of Cultist Warbands then I would love to see it get updated. I have never loved these models and really think they need a redo. 

2. Saurus: I remember these coming out and loving them at the time, but they have not aged well at all. Skinks sill look great but almost everything in the Saurus range needs an update badly.

3. Bullgors: Ogroids have buried this outdated unit in every single way and they either need to be updated or put down.

Dishounorable mention: Skaven... just all of the old models need to go!

Honourable mention: For every Space Marine lieutenant we should get a new Slambo!

Edited by Neverchosen
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There is a lot of stuff that needs updates more... but alas, my own Top three directly fits in with what I like to play.

1. Ardboys, make the Iron Jaws mini range complete.

2. Grave Guard, same reasoning. One step more towards completion.

3. Hexwraiths! Only unit missing from a complete range again. 

Now, if we're talking factions... Skaven, Mawtribes & Seraphon.

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FS need to follow the way of the squat and go away for a few years :P 

Skyre Acolytes, like many others they are old but also preposterously expensive because they arent plastic! 

Saurus and Ogre core troops are archaic and rubbish outside of rank'n'flank

But most of all my poor Night/Gutter runners who could really pop with modern tech, just look at the underworlds band! 

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Personal preferences for me and not what really needs to be updated.

Gluttons and Ironguts. Just give them the STD SC treatment with dynamic posing and the entire faction changes.

Yehtees and Gorgers. Seeing as we've seen what Blood Bowl can do for a Yeti I would love to see these monsters updated.

Mancrusher Gargant. The static pose is far more noticeable now when amongst more than 1 of its kind. Give it a new kit and again the Sons of Behemat Faction will feel doubled.

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Centigors and Chariots for BoC are a total mess, and very importantly the one I want the most, Shaggoth. He is suppose to be HUGE, like Greater Daemon huge (and was at one point), taller than trees, but yet it is tiny... 

Let us keep the current Shaggoth and give us a large plastic Ancient Shaggoth. 

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6 hours ago, JackOfBlades said:

I have a question that this thread might be a fitting place for.

The kits people are mentioning here were already present ~18 years ago when i first got into Warhammer, and yet they still havent been updated. My question is, if GW is a miniatures company first as people say, why do they seemingly just refuse to update certain antiquated kits? Shouldnt that be the first thing theyd be looking to do? I am genuinely curious.

I think it's because of marketing and logistics mostly. If a faction gets a refresh, they might want to do it more completely than just the one kit. They need to have display space in their shops, get enough hype to get it in player's minds, and get boxes there. Many things that need replacement are webstore only.

I think exceptions like Kroak just skipped the queue because it replaced a finecast kit that was still selling, and that mold may have worn out, or maybe it was to sell their battletome because they realized the realmshaper engine doesn't have enoigh visual appeal.


Speaking of finecast, the salamander and it's spiky cousin's kit need replacement quite badly. Look at the models in TW: Warhammer II, and then at the minis...

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18 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

I think it's because of marketing and logistics mostly. If a faction gets a refresh, they might want to do it more completely than just the one kit. They need to have display space in their shops, get enough hype to get it in player's minds, and get boxes there. Many things that need replacement are webstore only.

I think exceptions like Kroak just skipped the queue because it replaced a finecast kit that was still selling, and that mold may have worn out, or maybe it was to sell their battletome because they realized the realmshaper engine doesn't have enoigh visual appeal.


Speaking of finecast, the salamander and it's spiky cousin's kit need replacement quite badly. Look at the models in TW: Warhammer II, and then at the minis...

Even 18 years ago the way i got into the hobby was through the internet - surely they cant be so out of touch as to believe they cant refresh a kit if it's webstore only (due to lack of physical space)? And even then, it couldnt pass decades without them finding any space to refresh kits which are older than many of the players who use them. This cant be it...

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3 hours ago, JackOfBlades said:

Even 18 years ago the way i got into the hobby was through the internet - surely they cant be so out of touch as to believe they cant refresh a kit if it's webstore only (due to lack of physical space)? And even then, it couldnt pass decades without them finding any space to refresh kits which are older than many of the players who use them. This cant be it...

I think the volume of sales of webstore only boxes is a lot lower than distributed boxes.

But it's mostly that they don't want to waste a marketing opportunity on it.

I have no insider knowledge of GW, but have been told Renedra molds are a lot cheaper than I thought, and the work for a 3d print model isn't that much either. I do not know the arcane magic of translating a 3d model to a sprue though.

I can't imagine there is no return on investment if companies like Wargames Atlantic, Northstar, Warlord and such manage. It must be something else, and a marketing and logistics seems logical.

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Alright, more serious answer this time.

1) Ogor Gluttons - I actually think the Ogre Kingdom range as a whole has aged very well to say they're knocking on around 17 years old, including these models The problem is they're very clearly designed for ranking up and the Gluttons are by far the worst offender (Ironguts and Leadbelchers I think get away with it okayish) of all the models 'ported from Fantasy. An army of them, not ranked up, looks weird with them all being in nigh-identical, awkward poses of having their arms tucked in and holding their weapons the way way. Chaos Warriors kind of got away with a similar issue by being human-sized but Ogres are so large that extra attention is drawn to it.

2) Marauders - For being such a core part of the Warriors of Chaos/Slaves to Darkness range I'm genuinely baffled such an ancient kit hasn't been updated yet. At this point it's purely an age issue - they're old and it shows.

3) Rat Ogres - Those awful joints and massive gaps. Marauders suffer from similar problems, but at least them being smaller means less attention is drawn to it. I put them below Gluttons and Marauders just because they're not the primary infantry models of the Skaven line.

(Dishonourable Mention) Horrors - Bring back the designs of the disturbing/mid-mutation Horrors. They didn't make the list because technically the models aren't bad, they just feel like a visual downgrade compared to what came before.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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45 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:


(Dishonourable Mention) Horrors - Bring back the designs of the disturbing/mid-mutation Horrors. They didn't make the list because technically the models aren't bad, they just feel like a visual downgrade compared to what came before.

I loved all of the lesser demons from that era! I always thought if I were to expand my S2D into demons I would track down some of the metal models for heroes or champions

Edited by Neverchosen
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57 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Alright, more serious answer this time.

1) Ogor Gluttons - I actually think the Ogre Kingdom range as a whole has aged very well to say they're knocking on around 17 years old, including these models The problem is they're very clearly designed for ranking up and the Gluttons are by far the worst offender (Ironguts and Leadbelchers I think get away with it okayish) of all the models 'ported from Fantasy. An army of them, not ranked up, looks weird with them all being in nigh-identical, awkward poses of having their arms tucked in and holding their weapons the way way. Chaos Warriors kind of got away with a similar issue by being human-sized but Ogres are so large that extra attention is drawn to it.

2) Marauders - For being such a core part of the Warriors of Chaos/Slaves to Darkness range I'm genuinely baffled such an ancient kit hasn't been updated yet. At this point it's purely an age issue - they're old and it shows.

3) Rat Ogres - Those awful joints and massive gaps. Marauders suffer from similar problems, but at least them being smaller means less attention is drawn to it. I put them below Gluttons and Marauders just because they're not the primary infantry models of the Skaven line.

(Dishonourable Mention) Horrors - Bring back the designs of the disturbing/mid-mutation Horrors. They didn't make the list because technically the models aren't bad, they just feel like a visual downgrade compared to what came before.

100% agree on Gluttons and Marauders.

Considering that most of Chaos is made up of them I too am shocked they havent been updated yet. Hopefully with STD they are one more kit updated.

Gluttons need the dynamic posing treatment. They are supposed to be monstrous creatures of great strength and their arms tucked in walking tip toe does not give that impression. More posing like Cursed Cities Bruttog would go a long way.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

(Dishonourable Mention) Horrors - Bring back the designs of the disturbing/mid-mutation Horrors. They didn't make the list because technically the models aren't bad, they just feel like a visual downgrade compared to what came before.

Couldnt agree more. 


I see rat ogres are a sore subject.  Not being a skaven collector myself im imagining slightly more than stormfiend size but less clan skyre and more beast of burden. Two in a box with a "handler". Is that what the whip rats are? Throw in a few rat swarms like scarabs on necron warriors. Hell, they could even ride them like The Kruelest of Breaka Bosses do. 

What would you like to see in an upgrade kit?


Marauders seem to be a popular choice as well. Up untill the most recent Dark Oath warcry warband I hadnt seen anything I would get on board with. All predecessors seemed too cartoony. Props to sculptors on those. Again, never collected but I always liked the current marauders horses. That real lightly armored fast skirmishing look. 

@Rachmani Mentioned hexwraiths. This is a good one that would really "complete" the line. One could assume this would also lead to new black knights and while removing the second hexwraith option could open up for some kind of archery unit build as well. I wouldnt mind seeing Nefaratas subfaction given more skelly choices and expanded upon. 



Im surpised to have not seen more conversions utilizing the bloodbowl ogre team. They seem to be a dynamic and great fit for these. 

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

100% agree on Gluttons and Marauders.

Considering that most of Chaos is made up of them I too am shocked they havent been updated yet. Hopefully with STD they are one more kit updated.

Gluttons need the dynamic posing treatment. They are supposed to be monstrous creatures of great strength and their arms tucked in walking tip toe does not give that impression. More posing like Cursed Cities Bruttog would go a long way.

As above, the ogre Blood Bowl team gives another few dynamic options if you replace hands, but they don't have that many poses.

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