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What is the status of this game?


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 I was chatting with some AoS/40k Players in my group and it seems many are interested in trying out Warcry,myself I played it since release but not since Covid hit.I do have the 2021 tomb along with all the other books but was checking the GW Web store and it appears that the four main alliance books are no longer available along with all of the main faction card sets.Battlescribe has stats yet no keyword info and Varanscribe is just for points and campaign tracking(that doesnt appear to be working though).
 I could probably get another 6 or so players into the game straight away if the alliance books were available...also I see they are doing event packs again and I would most certainly grab one of those when it comes out later this year but it seems rather odd that as it stands now,from what im seeing on the web store,there really is not a way for a new player to get into the game at all.



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I have seen some fan made documents floating around on reddit u could use until u can find the books somewhere. I'll send u the link if i can find it again. Glad to see new people interested in Warcry, it is a great skirmish game imho.

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The Australian GW web store has Red Harvest plus all the current books still, none of which are marked as "While Stocks Last" so I don't think they're dropping it anytime soon. Maybe your locale has supply issues?

Faction cards I'd say are no longer a thing as the books (esp. ToC 2021) changed them.

Just checked the few warbands I have on Battlescribe and they had keywords shown (<Alliance>, <Warband>, Leader, Brute, Berzerker, etc.) so perhaps check again. ? That or they haven't been added for the warband(s) you checked.

Hope you manage to find enough rules to introduce your mates and have a blast with this, as @Iksdee says, great game!!

Edited by KhaosSpawn
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The next Warcry book is supposedly a big update, so it may supersede the Grand Alliance books. At any rate the ongoing support for Warcry from GW remains strong and game is a hell of a lot of fun, really well designed rules. The card sets were limited runs from a long time ago so no surprise they are gone (they can still be found in box sets though), the real trick will be getting a copy of Tome of Champions 2020, which has the better campaign rules (called 'Trial of Champions').

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