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Summon & Chant Prayers



Hi, I've the following question: The same Priest can try to Chant a Prayer and then try to Summon an Invocation in the same hero phase? Both are Prayers and every Priest can only Chant 1 Prayer, but I don't understand why at 20.1 in the rulebook is used the keyword "Chanting Roll" and in section 20.3.1 is used the keyword "Summon".

I've got a Fyreslayers army and I don't understand how I've to play Prayers and Invocations with my Priest. Any clarification would be very appreciated! Thanks!  

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Attempting to summon an invocation requires you to chant a prayer, meaning that it's your priest's prayer for that turn: "An invocation is a divine entity that is summoned to the battlefield by chanting the prayer on its invocation warscroll" - 20.3 Invocations

The text in the next section says "In your hero phase, you can attempt to summon 1 invocation with each friendly PRIEST" - 20.3.1 Summoning Invocations. At first this might look like it's allowing you to do so in addition to a prayer, but that's not the case. We already know that you need to chant a prayer to summon an invocation, so what this rule does is put an additional restriction that each friendly priest can only attempt to summon one invocation. At the moment I don't think this actually does anything because as far as I'm aware no priest in the game can chant more than one prayer per hero phase anyway, so they would only be able to attempt to summon one invocation because they can only chant one prayer.

If we compare the Invocation wording to the wording for Endless Spells, you can see it is almost identical: "An endless spell is a magical entity that is summoned to the battlefield by casting the spell on its endless spell warscroll", and "In your hero phase, you can attempt to summon 1 endless spell with each friendly WIZARD". In this case because there are wizards with multiple casts, you can see both of these rules working together. It takes a spell attempt to summon an endless spell, but even if you have multiple spell casts, you can only ever summon one per wizard per hero phase. I assume the wording for Invocations is the same for this reason, and to standardise it.


To summarise, if you try to summon an invocation with a priest, that's their prayer for the turn. No other prayers unless they have a rule saying they can pray multiple times.

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