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In your opinion, what is the absolute best Age of Sigmar kit?

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4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Rockgutt Troggoths 

+1 They knocked it out of the park with those. Would like to see a fellwater update and new troggs like this. 

95% of the kruleboyz line up. Im just in awe with their design, mostly. 

Just a couple top answers for me. 

I dont play AoS anymore, moved onto Frostgrave and loving it but I use mostly gw models. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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A hard one. I have a few contenders:

General on Griffin. Large, imposing and tons of options. Also has the warhammer in it.

Greatswords. So many nice hats, different options and bits to help kit out just about everything. Detailing on par with much more recent kits. Relatively cheap at current GW prices. 25 mm.

Arkanauts. Again lots of options, 10 dwarves with a decent amount of bodies. Love the spanner axes, helmet design and, well, just the whole vibe. Also 25mm bases, so useful for grid based rpg's.

Thunderers. Lots of options, they feel very heavy and cool gun design.

Endrinriggers. A lot more expensive than the two above per dwarf, but they are flying on a personal zeppelin.

Thundriks profiteers. A taste of all the above with a Khemist for less than the price of a Khemist.

Celestial Hurricanum. The fanciest horses, four wizards and a lot of just stuff. If you have one, you can make an awesome terrain piece with spares, or magnetize to switch it out.

Briar queen. 25mm ghosts, and quite a few of them. Good designs, and their leader is just gorgeous and has wowed multiple d&d parties.


Edited by zilberfrid
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There really are some amazing kits and sculpts coming from GW since AoS launched. From small single characters released as part of Underworlds to larger centerpieces like the greater daemons.

For me personally, I'm biased in that I love the look of the Ironjawz, they are what got me started on AoS in the first place. So my top spots go to the Brutes kit (fun to paint, some good options for making multiples with different poses and provides many, many spare bits for the bitsbox.) and the Mawkrusha (a great bulked up take on the classic wyvern). In fact the only kit I don't love from their range is the Ardboyz.

Honorable mentions go to the Putrid blightkings, also a kit with plenty of options to build, spare bits and really fun to paint. 

Not sure if old WHFB kits count, but I really love the Dragon Ogors kit, I think it still holds up well for it's age. I'd love to see an updated plastic Shaggoth to lead the 12 I have now built. 


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For a centrepiece and wow model, Alarielle has to be up there for me. A really stunning kit with so many details. I'd also add a lot of the other Sylvaneth models too such as Drycha and the Kurnoths.

From a different angle I think the most fun I've had actually painting an AoS model was Gotrek though. It's a small model but the sculpt is brilliant and has all the lore to go with it.

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Be'lakor is a pretty great. Not that many options but he is just a fantastic demon sculpt. 

On order side I really love the wild riders/ sisters of the thorn kit. Lots of great options and both are stunning looking units. 

Oh and Varanguard 

Dang hard to pick just one 

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Tricky one. In terms of options and customisation it's probably the old battlemages kit. You can do a lot with that.


The entire nighthaunt range is amazing, but I couldn't single out a specific kit.


Then you have the underworld bands. I love the ones that give you the main army in microcosm, they are lovely little sets!

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Gotta go with Archaon or Be’Lakor. A lot of things people are listing are technically from WHFB; even Nagash. I don’t remember, honestly, if Archaon’s new sculpt hit during end times or if he was an early AoS drop. So I guess, in fairness, Be’Lakor is my favorite pure AoS model. 

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I don't think Archaon did come out in the End Times - I'm 99% sure that he came out in 2015 as part of the Everchosen release, alongside varanguard and the gaunt summoner in one of the smallest battletomes ever. Note, you won't find a box with Archaon on a square base :)

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They’ve been mentioned a few times but for me the criteria is simple.  It needs to be on a big enough scale and not have a ridiculous amount of fine details. I’m not a great painter and as the scale decreases and detail increases my stress when painting increases on an exponential curve.  

Rockgut Trolls one of the few times I’ve genuinely had fun painting up a dozen miniatures or more.  They’re a bit of the platonic ideal for me with plenty of variation and appropriately scaled details.

Mega Gargants weren’t as fun just given the sheer amount of time each took ( especially as I was trying the 4-5 layer skin tones from GW videos) but despite needing to go back and get a few oof their finer details cleaned up it’s the army I get the most aesthetic compliments on by far.  The extras in the kit allowing me to make “juniors” of all the Megas certainly helps there.

Not done with them yet (got distracted by 40k painting) but Mangler Squigs a middle ground so far.

For a surprise choice I’ll put out the Icebrow Hunter.  For me personally it holds the title of best ratio of time spent to quality of outcome as it lent itself very well to my early learning curve with Contrast paints

As far as all the love for Putrud Blightkings… scale okay but darn I still have nightmares about all the little details trying to get 20x painted up for a friend for a tournament even with the simplest scheme I could think of.  If you live em you can have em because I’ve had enough of them! 😉


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3 hours ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

A lot of things people are listing are technically from WHFB

Yeah, I sometimes forget how much of the Nurgle stuff is around from Fantasy. 


If I had to choose a AoS model based on looks alone, it would be the new Slaanesh Daemons for me


For battle line units, I like the Kruleboyz Gutrippaz, a choice of weapons and character options to separate units visually

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I am interpreting the question to include the whole Fantasy lineup that is still in print, as opposed to only kits released during AoS.

Skaven Clanrats. The kit is perfect. Any additional options or detail would drive up the monetary cost on a cheap chaff unit, any less and there wouldn't be any personality or customization. Each rat is one body, a shield, and a right arm. Extremely simple, which is fantastic because it is very much a unit one needs dozens and dozens of. Additional posing would mean more time working on very expendable dudes and be lost in the crowd anyways, while the right arm being a full ball joint gives creative types plenty to work with. The kit literally could not be made better in any way. It is perfect.

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