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What kind of Box would u like?


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What kinda box would I like? Well I've selling off quite a lot of minis on eBay lately so 6x6x6in cardboard for shipping would be really helpful. 😁                                                    Sadly no one seems to sell those around here anymore...😞

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On 4/20/2022 at 2:24 PM, Kaleb Daark said:

Totally agree.

I just remember back to the warriors fo chaos battalion box - two of those got you 40 marauders, 10 warhounds, 36 warriors and 10 knights. done.

I think there's an argument especially with ToW coming around to just bin off all those old ex fantasy sculpts and consign them to history.  Give AoS their new aesthetic and be done with it.

Like those plague monks- just give you a new box of more dynamic poses, and subtle tweaks, I mean look at chaos warriors and knights in the start collecting box - absolutely ace and proving you don't have to reinvent the wheel to refresh something so well known.

Anything that came out in the last edition of whfb was such a departure in design that it was always intended for AoS anyway, just look at the Khorne farmers in iron dungarees, and the dwarf irondrake and gyrocopter releases, and also the skaven steampunk gattling gun rat ogres - all AoS ready models hidden in plain sight.

I mean, for you guys to have a unit or two of island of blood skaven slaves to cheaply bulk out your armies would be great for you.


2 Battalion boxes formed the core of my Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Dwarf armies back in the day. They were the perfect way to fairly rapidly get into WFB after years of just collecting LotR and 40K.

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On 4/20/2022 at 2:24 PM, Kaleb Daark said:

Totally agree.

I just remember back to the warriors fo chaos battalion box - two of those got you 40 marauders, 10 warhounds, 36 warriors and 10 knights. done.

I think there's an argument especially with ToW coming around to just bin off all those old ex fantasy sculpts and consign them to history.  Give AoS their new aesthetic and be done with it.

Like those plague monks- just give you a new box of more dynamic poses, and subtle tweaks, I mean look at chaos warriors and knights in the start collecting box - absolutely ace and proving you don't have to reinvent the wheel to refresh something so well known.

Anything that came out in the last edition of whfb was such a departure in design that it was always intended for AoS anyway, just look at the Khorne farmers in iron dungarees, and the dwarf irondrake and gyrocopter releases, and also the skaven steampunk gattling gun rat ogres - all AoS ready models hidden in plain sight.

I mean, for you guys to have a unit or two of island of blood skaven slaves to cheaply bulk out your armies would be great for you.


2 Battalion boxes formed the core of my Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Dwarf armies back in the day. They were the perfect way to fairly rapidly get into WFB after years of just collecting LotR and 40K.

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On 3/31/2022 at 5:36 PM, zilberfrid said:

I'd like smorgasboard boxes. Give a nice bit of variety with versatile kits.

Replace the hero with an Underworlds team. Get a battleline unit in there, and something nice.

For instance 

  • Thundrik's Profiteers
  • Arkanauts
  • Arkanaut Frigate

Something else:

  • Vortemis the all-seeing &Eyes of the Nine
  • Tsaangors
  • Ogroid Thaumaturge

I think with them rotating out, I don't see this kind of thing happening.

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16 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

2 Battalion boxes formed the core of my Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Dwarf armies back in the day. They were the perfect way to fairly rapidly get into WFB after years of just collecting LotR and 40K.

I agree those boxes were amazing.

even just starting a skaven horde army wasn’t to hard with one of those boxes,

considering that they contained 2 units of clanrats, a unit of 20 plague monks and 2 rat ogre l/ 6giant rats.

the best boxset I ever bought

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