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New AOS player returning after long time away from hobby


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Hi folks,


just thought i would introduce myself.   Over the past year I have rediscovered my love for table top war games after a hiatus of over 25 years.  I really love the hobby aspects of the game and consider myself much more of a narrative gamer.  I started playing 40k but have recently joined the ranks of AOS.  I played warhammer fantasy way back in '90-91- no idea what version.  Back then I barely read the rules and my friends and I probably never got through a full game, or were too confused by the end.  I love the rule set for AOS as it simplifies things without leaving out much of the tactical elements.  Now that I have kids, wife and a mortgage finding 2 hours to play is much more reasonable than 4-6.  Anyway I have really enjoyed getting back not it.  I'll post some pics below.  Currently rocking bloodhound (also my first "evil" army) about 1500-2000 pts.




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